Renting bedroom to one female UC Riverside student. One year contract.$500 per month includes utilities, internet, microwave, refrigerator, washer and dryer. For UNLIMITED use.The room is furnished with bed, desk and a chair. private room, private bath。The house is located in a peaceful neighborhood, easy transportation, near riverside downtown.Only 5 mins from the freeway to UCR campus, and 10 mins take local. Require drivingIf you are interested please contact at: 626 456 3136 (no texting)雅屋出租给UCR在读女大学生。一年合约。 房子位于离UCR校园开车5分钟freeway (local 10分钟), 需要开车。交通方便, 社区安全,是非常好的学习环境。每月房租$500,独立大卧房。 房间配备:床,桌,椅。房租包括:水,电,瓦斯,无线上网 等等。拎包便可入住!有意者请致电 (626) 456 3136 (不收短信)
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