加拿大华人论坛 出租与二手市场Monterey Park蒙市出租套房和雅房(English and Chines


这是一座新建的独立别墅有配备全套家具的5间闲置的套房和雅房,坐落于安全以及美丽的蒙市。租金包含了所有的水电煤和网络费用,还有洗衣房。驾车几分钟就可以到10号、60号、710号高速入口。步行就可以到达公交车站,周边有数不清的餐厅,各类超市和COSTCO (Raphs, 99 Ranch, Albertson, Food 4 Less), 周边的银行有 (Bank of America, East West Bank)。距离USC,CSULA,Pasadena Community college和 East LA Community College都非常的近,适合那边就读的学生。开车去洛杉矶市区才12分钟,到Pasadena, South Pasadena, Alhambra也就8分钟车程。因考虑到新冠疫情期间,对家人和其他租客的身体健康和安全考虑,只招一房一租客的原则。希望谅解。目前特殊时期,用特低价出租有一套套房拥有私用全浴卫生间,租金最低$1000/月;4间不同大小的雅房,是各2间共用一间全浴卫生间,分别在一楼和二楼,租金最低$750起。要求:*收入稳定且合法,并且有良好的信用分。 *简炊 *不能举办聚会 *不能吸毒 *不能在房内醉酒闹事 *不能养宠物 *只能一间房一位租客 *第一个月要付一押一 *至少6个月的合同,欢迎长租。It’s a newly constructed house with 5 furnished rooms with modern appliances now available; In one of the most desirable and safest cities in the SVG.ALL utilities (free internet) included and laundry on-site!Minutes to Freeway 10, 60 & 710.ALL utilities (free internet) included and laundry on-site!Walking distance to the bus stop and numerous Restaurants and Coffee/Tea shop (Home Town Buffet, International Buffet), Supermarkets and COSTCO (Raphs, 99 Ranch, Albertson, Food 4 Less), Banks (Bank of America, East West Bank).Very close to USC, CSULA, Pasadena Community college & East LA Community CollegeShort drive to DTLA, Pasadena, South Pasadena, Alhambra,Looking for 1 person only per room.One of the Private Suite has it’s own full bathroom and patio access to the back yard.The other 4 bedrooms share 2 common full bathrooms mean you share with only one other tenant.The house is furnished. You can use the Brand new facilities in the kitchen and laundry room.Street parking only.Utilities are shared by all tenants. The total number of occupancy 5.The Private Suite room with a bathroom inside the room is $1000 plus utilities.The other bedrooms with shared bathroom rent are $750 plus utilities.About you:* Responsible professional or graduate student with a steady, reliable income. A job outside the home preferably when Covid is over* Light cooking please, so everyone has a chance to access the kitchen* No drama. The home should remain a calm, peaceful sanctuary.* No parties* No drugs* No smoking* No heavy drinking. Responsible drinking is fine and encouraged!* No pets* Only 1 person per roomRequired for move-in:First month’s rent with a security deposit in the amount of one month’s rent.6-month lease and would like to find someone to stay even longer.Please have good credit.


  ·生活百科 安装批准的问题
·生活百科 消费 /生产计



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单房出租 Alhambra 6街

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华人网诚求租公寓,1b1b或者2b2b,1b1b的预算在1500刀上下。2b2b只要条件好一些价格可以接受。最好是采光好的一层。地址位置不限。需要停车位、需要空调、需要有厨房。有合适的房源请短信我 ...



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