加拿大华人论坛 出租与二手市场哈岗独立3房2浴出租
近60号freeway 及hacienda Blvd, 独立水电煤,无宠物$2000/月,有宠物另议,1年起租,押金二月+1月租金入住, 有意者请e-mail 详情 ideally located near 60 freeway and hacienda blvd in hacienda heights, $2000/month if no pets, small pets allowed and fee extra, deposit: 2months if don’t want to check credit; seeking long term rent (>1y), please contact us with e-mail for more info and showing联系时请一定说明是在洛杉矶华人资讯网看到的,谢谢
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