加拿大华人论坛 美国房产买卖中文创业教室开课
华埠服务中心中文创业教室开课! 邀请大家报名参与! 现在报名,并在 Enter Promotional Code 输入 EARLY30 可享有早鸟优惠价格,获得扣优惠,报名费现只需 $45 (原价 $75) 。商会会员,请与你的商会办公室联络,以获得优惠号码。 RSVP- 报名- https://www.eventbrite.com/e/entrepreneur-training-program-tickets-60319813185 Address- 767 N. Hill Street, #400, Los Angeles, CA 90012 课程内容包括: Day 1- Saturday, June 8th -Business Formation 公司成立和架构 -Business Start-up 创业起动 -Business Plan 商业计划 -Access to Capital 资金来源 -Permits & Licenses 牌照执照 -Experience Sharing 经验分享 Day 2- Saturday, June 15th -Marketing and Branding 市场推广和建立品牌 -Keys to Small Business Website 建立一个小企业网站的关键 -Business Tax 商业税 -Labor Law 劳工法 -Financial Coaching 财务辅导 Day 3- Friday, June 21st -Government Contracting & Small Business Certification by Los Angeles County Department of Consumer & Business Affairs (English) 政府承包和小企业证书- 洛杉矶县消费者和商业事务部 (英语) Day 4- Saturday, June 22nd -Risk Management 风险管理 -Experience Sharing 经验分享 -Business Plan 商业计划 For information, please contact Elaine Pang at 213-808-1751 / [email protected] 有关活动详情,请与 Elaine Pang 联络 Workshop will be conducted in Mandarin. 讲座以国语进行。 The Center reserves the right to change the topics of these courses at any time without prior notice. 华埠服务中心保留修改或更改课程内容的权利。
·生活百科 Engie太阳能优势试验。
·生活百科 Esy Sunhome电池