加拿大华人论坛 美国房产买卖Pasadena 中心商业区办公室出租
Rare small office suites.Perfect for Architects,Advertising,Graphic Design,Publishing and numerous other office uses.Hardwood floors ,high ceilings and directly adjacent to Schoolhouse parking structure. This is one of the prime location in Old Town Pasadena. Center of Old Pasdena near intersection of Colorado Blvd. and Fair Oaks on south side of Colorado Blvd. amenities include Apple Store,Cheesecake Factory,Mi Piace restaurant,Tiffany,Burke Williams and over 100 more restaurants,shops and theaters within walking distance. Pasadena市中心商业区多间办公室空间出租,实木地板,挑高天花板,距离停车楼仅几步之遥。办公室位于科罗拉多大道和Fair Oaks的交界处,适合建筑师事务所,广告事务所,设计工作室以及多种办公需要。 详情垂询 Don 9176570959 or Jackie 6264000849
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