加拿大华人论坛 美国房产买卖LA Solar Group屋顶更新抵税通知
Dear , I'm Bruce from LA Solar Group. I hope you are doing well and enjoying your solar and you are having a great LA Solar experience. If you do have any questions or open issues, please let me know. 你好, 我是LA SoLar太阳能公司的Bruce,希望你有一段享受的太阳能之旅。如果您在安装太阳能系统方案有任何问题,或者遇到任何困难,请和我联系。 You can send me your house address and the copy of your Utility bill (3months' is OK , 12months' best) ,so we can feedback you a proposal and a qoute for you. 您只需要发送我你的地址和你的电费账单(最好是一年的,当然3个月以上也很好),我们就可以免费为您的房子设计一个太阳能发电系统的方案。 现在如果您想更新你家的屋顶,可以随太阳能一起获得30%的联邦税退税额度。是非常好的时机。 Feel free to contact me . Thank you very much. Best regards 中文电话座机(818)465-2718 Bruce Empowering Our Future Together 16238 Raymer St, Unit B., Van Nuys, CA 91406 Direct: 818.465.2718 Office:818.373.0077 Fax: 888.434.8891
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