ZOOMINFO 好用吗,怎么用
在加拿大 Dear 亲们,ZOOMINFO 好用吗,是不是屏蔽了国内注册,下载安装文件也没发下载,填写国内手机号都不能通过 有在使用的亲们教下怎么使用好吗 评论 对 屏蔽部分地区。它算可以的,但应...华人论坛
在加拿大 Dear 亲们,ZOOMINFO 好用吗,是不是屏蔽了国内注册,下载安装文件也没发下载,填写国内手机号都不能通过 有在使用的亲们教下怎么使用好吗 评论 对 屏蔽部分地区。它算可以的,但应...华人论坛
在加拿大 Dear 帮公司一共寄了三次 高吸水性树脂 (未接触过), 第一次懵打懵撞用了HKEMS寄,很顺利地送到客人手上,没有投诉; 第二次数量有所增加,还是用HKEMS寄,很不幸地,装的袋子都穿了...华人论坛
在加拿大 Dear Lucas, the samples are with our partners. We'll have an appointment next week. Can you please send me a confirmation for the price of USD 10.60? 各位大神 客户是让我确认价格还是发确认书啊 评论 只是让你确认下是...华人论坛
在加拿大 Dear Customer Thank you for your email. Due to the Corona Virus Pandemic we are currently offering a reduced service within our Customer Service team. Our team are all working remotely and therefore maintaining social distancing. This, combi...华人论坛
在加拿大 Dear ** Can I order LCL to test. Regards 谢谢大家了,请问这个回复是什么意思,我要怎么回复他 评论 订散货, 不是整柜的货。 客户想做个试单。 评论 楼主是新人?建议多向老同事学习或者自...华人论坛
在加拿大 DEAR 各位福友,请教一下,我这边有一票出口到FELIXSTOWE的,提交VGM的时候数据算错了,与实际的误差比较大,超过50%。 船5月22日已经开了,今天发现数据提错了,船东是汉堡南美,打电...华人论坛
在加拿大 DEAR ALL 我们上半年要去巴基斯坦,可是虽然中巴一向很交好,但是由于其特殊的政治、军事等影响,办理签证听说周期很长,还繁琐,就拿邀请函来说,为了保障我方人员的必要性,要...华人论坛
在加拿大 Dear friend, We are one of the largest high duty importers in India. Please inform if you can supply below attached samples we downloaded from your website . Kindly send images technical details of all types. We shall ask for samples after s...华人论坛
在加拿大 Dear Fiona, Following up on the smart bracelets, we also have some good and bad news… Good news is that there are some interest in this product line, and if the price is competitive enough, we plan to bring it in. Bad news is that the cust...华人论坛
在加拿大 Dear Sam As far as your know,since the chinese Mid Autumn Festivaland National Day holidayis coming, if we ship out the goods before our china national day, the time is tooo tight to make the customs-clearance documents in order to avoid the...华人论坛
在加拿大 Dear John, Thank you for your e-mail. Will you pls send me your e-catalogue so that I could check and choose some models for consideration. Thanks and kind regards, Catherine 这是她的回复,我们在广交会上交换过名片。本人外...华人论坛
在加拿大 Dear Liu. No problem you can sand itofficiel.I pay the Fracht coast. Send it please as soon as possible. thanks 这是客户回的邮件,之前我告之他样品是收费的,然后他回复我如上,pay the Fracht coast这是什么意思...华人论坛
在加拿大 Dear Sir So sorry, i can by your tire because people Vit Nam boycott every product made in China 我该怎么回复他呢? 评论 扯淡。中国人还抵制日货勒,该买还是买。只有那么一部分人。 去越南手机市场看,...华人论坛
在加拿大 Dear Cici Thanks yes we are aware ofCNY which is approaching, but almost everything is approved, fabrics / zippers / styles are approved, just need 1 sample for approval to start bulk. So in our opinion we can speed up the process to a lead...华人论坛
在加拿大 Dear各位福友大佬们, 这个账号我是在上学的时候注册的,那时候逛,看帖子也不知道大家说的是什么。虽然是学外贸的,但是还是看不懂。 外贸这个行业确实是只有实践才能出真知,...华人论坛
在加拿大 Dear all,感谢大家的指导和建议! 我现在有个意大利客人跟了3个星期了,一直都在谈付款方式, 但是一直都谈不下来。真的是好话都说尽了, 客人就是丝毫不肯让步。 情况是这样的。...华人论坛
在加拿大 Dear all, 又到午饭时间了,你们饿了么? 前阵子有个小单,货到了客户那里,已经超过一个星期了,但是客户一直不清关,货代反馈说即将要收取仓租费。 我担心的是,货物如果不能销...华人论坛
在加拿大 Dear Mrs Cao, We need 78mt Titanium dioxide rutile 98% grade multipurpose (for both solvents and water base) but our buyer/client isfinanced by the bank and they have an arrangement with the bank financial controllers as when they getthe shi...华人论坛
在加拿大 Dear Sir, herewith copy of the orderto our bank for full payment of your proforma invoice USD 2.561.- For the futur we propose you to give you a bank guarantee of our bank via your bank of china for USD 20.000.—so we will pay later your in...华人论坛
在加拿大 Dear friend IF you have agent ora friend that they have an account on Kulun bank we can pay them. Best regards 这是啥银行啊,没听过啊,有知道的福友吗? 评论 pinyin 评论 昆仑银行你客人伊朗的吧 评论 是昆仑...华人论坛
在加拿大 Dear sir, thanks for your reply, please supply us 100% terms through sinosure O/A 30 days. 以上是乌干达客户给出的邮件,求教 sinosure O/A 30 DAYS是什么意思 怎么个付款方式 评论 O/A是赊帐交易即为货到付款。...华人论坛
在加拿大 Dear Carol We appreciate your support and cooperation As a gesture of good will, theliquidated damage will not be applied this time for I’ll be satisfied with the 300$ covering port charge fee only However, pls note that the liquidated dam...华人论坛
在加拿大 Dear Valued Client, 尊敬的客户, Thank you for using MSC Service. 感谢贵司选取MSC为您提供服务。 We acknowledge receipt of your message and will contact you should there are any queries about your submitted SI or related info...华人论坛
在加拿大 Dear 各位大神: 小弟有一事相求, 危地马拉有一个客户通过他的汇丰银行给我们公司建行付款,因为写错了我们的公司名字,导致进不了帐,所以现在有两种解决方法:第一,想申请退...华人论坛
在加拿大 Dear Damon Thank you for your e-mail. We are interesting to install in our Lagoon 42 a marine inverter /charger which will also control the solar panels we will install. The battery system will operate at 12 v DC and at the moment will be 4...华人论坛
在加拿大 Dear Damon Thank you for your e-mail. We are interesting to install in our Lagoon 42 a marine inverter /charger which will also control the solar panels we will install. The battery system will operate at 12 v DC and at the moment will be 4...华人论坛
在加拿大 Dear Sir , Nice day to you. I am a newcomer, my website is under construction, but I need to your products, .We will for sign contract with yours ,But I do not know the quality of your products, you can addmy qqXXXXX, if I'm interesting in...华人论坛
在加拿大 dear all: 求助,我的一个客人在3个星期前通过XOOM转了两笔款共计1030美元,汇款地为美国,现在情况是,对方通过跟踪单号查询已经到账,我这边建行账户没有任何收款进来,对方行查询...华人论坛
在加拿大 Dear Mr/Ms, We are a company from germany and searching for a company to produce custom stainless steel (steel ) telescopic poles. Please give us information about shipping of the product to germany and payment of your effort. What?s the mon...华人论坛
在加拿大 Dear Justin Thanks for your e-mail. Do you have any e-catalogue? If any, let me send so that I can choose few models from your catalogue. With Thanks- 发了几封开发信,有个客户回复我要电子版目录,发给他了又没有回我...华人论坛
在加拿大 DEAR JOSHUA O.K. IN DATE 07 04 2014(这里年份可能写错了) WE SEND TNT TRACO TO WITHDRAW THE PACK 之前问客户要到付账号,客户说你先把交货时间和我说,然后我和他说了,他发了这样的话给我。想知...华人论坛
在加拿大 Hello dear Caroline Thank you for your message Our company is dicussing about your company and others about the price and types of machines with our consultant.We need two different proforma one for the bank and for us.Can you make it so?How...华人论坛
在加拿大 Dear Carol, in that case we can not place orders to you now. As it is not good enough for us. On 27 Feb 2016, at 09:24 Dear sir: Given quotation price is our minimum price based on provided sample.Pls understand. Actually,with 12% free tax r...华人论坛
在加拿大 Dear HARRY, I am general manager from MRL and I am now in charge of the purchase since our situation here is very tuff because of the exchange rate increases last year from 600 pesos per dolar to 700 pesos per dolar which is around 18% and t...华人论坛
在加拿大 Dear Esther, Thanks for your mail. I checked out your web site and product details. Your products are very nice, we impressed. Most of our projects are related to Kuwait ministries. So, to start business and to make any order, we should get...华人论坛
在加拿大 Dear All, 因为我们老大想让我整理一份付款方式,让我自己编制比如T/T after shipment之类的付款方式,因脑力有限,想让大家帮个忙想想还有哪些类似的付款方式,不知各位福友有何意见?...华人论坛
在加拿大 Dear ... I am fine, thank you and hope to hear the same from you. This winter we are extraordinarily busy with many orders from different countries. We still have 8 containers and a few LCL shipments to ship out just before our closing date,...华人论坛
在加拿大 Dear sir, madam I am Annabel Browen from Bemis TRADE LTD. very pleased to inform you about our company's interest in your product. My company has a partnership with many professional enterprises, some of which are Asian enterprises are our l...华人论坛
在加拿大 dear们,谁有跟tjx合作过?他们的付款方式是如何的? 今年刚接触这个客人,但是他们的首要条件是必须同意后TT100%,但是新客人老板的意思是先定金做一单,看看客人怎么样再考虑做后TT,可...华人论坛
在加拿大 dear们,谁有跟tjx合作过?他们的付款方式是如何的? 今年刚接触这个客人,但是他们的首要条件是必须同意后TT100%,但是新客人老板的意思是先定金做一单,看看客人怎么样再考虑做后TT,可...华人论坛
在加拿大 Dear XXXX, Reference to the subject matter, please note that me and my colleague is planning to attend Drupa 2016, where you are also exhibiting and participating. We have earlier attended IPEX and DRUPA exhibitions and planning to visit DRU...华人论坛
在加拿大 Dear Sunlight, This transaction requires utmost trust and dedication from you, since you will be receiving the funds ($26,700,000) as the Beneficiary Next of Kin to Mr. Weimin Sunlight who died on a business trip to Indonesia in September 20...华人论坛
在加拿大 Dear Jane, Please find attached modified PO. I'll send you the bank statement once we make the payment in advance. Best regards, 这bank statement 是什么意思、、 评论 恭喜LZ银行水单信息 评论 是的,e bank statement这个是...华人论坛
在加拿大 Dear All, 请看以下的新闻摘要,根据安哥拉Angolan GAT---General Tax Administration官方规定,由于持续的外汇紧缺,安哥拉政府允许运抵到安哥拉的进口货物运无单放货。实际上,安哥拉并非唯一...华人论坛
在加拿大 Dear Mr XXX.. PL support for the below reasons.. I will divert the bigger share for future Pos. Our All competitors including XXX company reduced the prices drastically.. Reasons... a] GLOBAL recession... b] Decrease inSteel Prices worldwide...华人论坛
在加拿大 Dear Sirs, Glad to hear that you're in the market for LED lamps. We specialize in this field for several years, with the strength of Bulbs, Down Light, Spot Light, Tubes, Ceiling Light and Board Light, with good quality and pretty competitiv...华人论坛
在加拿大 Dear Sirs, Glad to hear that you're in the market for LED lamps. We specialize in this field for several years, with the strength of Bulbs, Down Light, Spot Light, Tubes, Ceiling Light and Board Light, with good quality and pretty competitiv...华人论坛
在加拿大 Dear , Well noted your email with many thanks! After checking, we know your requirement of the glass is just 23SQM, we are sorry that this quantity can not reach our MOQ(1 crate,about 3 ton),it is hard for us to quote. Still you didn't advis...华人论坛
在加拿大 Dear all, 我的客户大多都是南美洲的,而且还多客户都不会英语,目前成交的客户有些是英语西班牙语2种语言一起发的邮件,连PI也是。打电话好痛苦,只会说Hola,angela, email,可是也是...华人论坛