加拿大华人论坛 美国华人新闻SHOP TO HELP POOR KIDS
'SHOP TO HELP': a great way to help poor kids and it is FREE! When =20you shop online at your favorite merchants like Ebay, Amazon and =20Travelocity, if you enter their website through "OCEF SHOP TO HELP" =20webpage, up to 15% commission will be paid by the merchant to OCEF as =20=a referral fee. The earned commission will be used to help the under-=20privileged children. You pay ABSOLUTELY NOTHING more because the =20commission will be out of the merchant's pocket.Just imagine, when you purchase a 300$ digital camera on Amazon next =20time, you can help OCEF support another poor kid of his/her half year =20=education in rural China.Please visit the following link and save it in your favorites:http://www.ocef.org/newocef/en/shoptohelp.html.Overseas China Education Foundation =96 We help poor children go to =20school in rural China. www.ocef.org
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