加拿大华人论坛 美国华人新闻How to Steal to the Top of Google, part 2


How to Steal to the Top of Google, part 2(Page 1 of 4 )In part one of this series, we learned that the way to "steal" to the top of Google is to find out what the top-ranked site for your key phrase is doing, and do it better. In part two, we learn how to get listed in Google in record time without using Google's "Add URL" form.There is some talk about how to get listed on Google quickly. I've seen some folks claim that "it is impossible to get listed by Google in less than one week unless you know someone who works at Google that you can bribe."Seriously folks, that's just B.S., plain and simple.Getting listed quickly by Google is quite easy. The beauty is that the exact same technique that gets you listed quickly also gives your page a decent starting PageRank as well.First, let me tell you what you don't do. You don't use the "Add URL" form with Google at http://www.google.com/addurl.html. Believe it or not, using that form to let Google know about your site will actually hurt your PR and, at the same time, make Google rank you lower. In other words, you absolutely never want to use that form, or the similar form on any other search engine, to promote your website.By extension, that also means that you absolutely never use any automated "website submission software," either. Those are the things that claim they'll submit you to some incredible number of search engines with a single click.Never use those. Ever. Unless you like lousy rankings. In that case, go right ahead.

Using the Dog Training site that we used as an example in Part 1, here are the exact steps you'll need to do to get indexed by Google in under 24 hours, guaranteed. Before we get started, you will need to use Internet Explorer and the Google Toolbar for this process to be more effective.First, go to Google and enter the broadest keyword you can think of that's related to your website. In our example, it will be "dogs."Browse through each website and pay particular attention to the Google Page Rank. What you want to do is find as many websites as you can with a PageRank of 6 or higher.Essentially, PageRank is really little more than Google figuring out how many sites link to any given site. It's a little complex, but in general, the more websites that link to the "target" website, the higher the PageRank.Once you've found several websites like this, you should check to see whether or not they have links pages. Usually you'll see links from their index page that say something like resources, links, related sites, and so forth.Now, you need to search their website for their contact information or information about getting a link from one of their high Page Rank Web pages.This part is important. Google has become fairly savvy. It is not at all unlikely that several pages on a website will have a PR of 6 while many others have a PR of 3.Once you find their contact information, you should send them an email asking whether they will link to your website in return for you linking back to their website. If you do this correctly and professionally, they will respond and will place a link on their website to yours.If you can manage to get one PR6 website to link to your website, you will be indexed by Google in under two days. If you can get one PR7 website to link to you, then you will be in Google's index in under 24 hours (typically only about six)!

Now you do need to understand that persuading a high page rank website to link to you can be difficult. This is fine; there's another option you can pursue -- you can simply purchase text links. An example of this can be seen right here on SEO Chat. It isn't hard at all to find several places that are linked off to some advertiser's website.These are effortless ways of getting high page ranks without killing yourself. You could try to do this by contacting each site individually, but that would take you a long time and get you very little real benefit. The easiest and fastest way to do this is to use one of the link purchasing websites. Let me caution you, there are good ones, and there are scams. The folks I personally use are:http://www.linkadage.com (my personal favorite)http:///www.text-link-ads.comhttp://www.textlinkbrokers.comMany times you can purchase a link from a PR7 website for less than two hundred dollars. In fact, as of this writing you can get a PR 7 website link for only $125. For that price, they will have your text link on their website for a month.Understand that by doing this you will not only get listed by Google very quickly, but because the link is coming from a "high PR" website, your own PR will be much higher (a starting PR of 4 isn't uncommon for many of my customers with low budgets).After the month is up you do not have to continue paying the fee, because by then you will be in Google's index. If you've continued with other link trading strategies and kept building up the content on your site, then you may not even need to pay this cost any more (but we'll talk in later issues about how to use link purchasing to completely blow your competition out of the water).I want you to understand what this means. You can put up a website (using the techniques you learned in Part 1 so that the site is optimized) and in less than 24 hours, with no extra work, have your site listed by Google.Now, if you have other websites with decent PageRanks, you can also place links on those sites to your new one. Leave the link there for three days or so and you'll quickly see your new website in Google's listings.

Let me tell you what you do not do: do not buy text links with your website name. That's as bad as putting your website name in your title tag. When you buy the text links, what you want to use is the key word/phrase that you are optimizing for! You see, to Google it isn't only that you have the link pointing to your site, but also what the text of the link says. So if we are optimizing for "dog training," then we want our text links to say "dog training."Not only that, but Google uses a variety of factors in determining your Page Rank (and therefore the rank you get in search results). Some of those factors include: * Which websites link to you. * The Page Rank of the website linking to you. * The anchor text used in the link linking to you. * Whether or not the websites linking to you are deemed by Google as authority websites. It is true that precious few sites with a PR 7 or higher are not thought of as authority websites, but there are some.At this point it is time to put our black clothing back on. It's time to go "stealing" our way into the top spot. What you want to do is, once again, bring up the search results for the term you are optimizing on. In our case, that's "dog training."Open up a new window, also to Google. Now you want to type in "link:" and then the URL from the number one site. The results you get will tell you who is linking to that site.You want to be linked from those sites as well. In other words, you are going to take what is working for that number one site and go one step better.Here are some things to notice about our dog training example. First, the site is set up to obviously be an authority site. Second, notice who is linking to them and what link text is being used.You want to make sure that your own site will be viewed as an authority website (which means plenty of content), and you want links to your website to say only "dog training" (or whatever your key phrase is). In other words, when you purchase your text links, you want the links to be on the phrase "dog training," and that's it.Whenever possible, you want your site to be linked to from the same websites that the number one site is being linked to ... and then be linked to by a few others as well. In other words, you're going to "steal" who's linking to them -- become linked by those folks yourself -- and then get linked to by several other folks too!

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