加拿大华人论坛 美国留学移民College tour for your spring break
IBG is recruiting students for our College Tour trip. The College Tour dates are for March 31-April 6, and April 14-20, when most IBG student have Spring break. Student will have the opportunity to visit 8 schools during College Tour week. Students can choose from 4 options for the College Tour:1. Elite College Tour: This College Tour will focus on Visiting Ivy League Schools, and other top ranked Universities in the Northeast.2. Business School Tour: This College Tour will focus on visiting Universities with a strong Business school program. Many of the Best Business school programs in the US are located near Washington DC.3. Stem College Tour: The STEM School Tour will focus on visiting schools with Strong Programs in the STEM fields, Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, in Northern and Southern California.4. Visual and Performing Arts College Tour: The Visual and Performing Arts School Tour will focus on schools with Strong Arts Programs in the Northeast.To find out more about the cost of the tour and how to sign up, please contact your local District Consultant, or Alex at [email protected] and Like us on facebook to save additional $50.00https://www.facebook.com/IvyBridgeGroupOur Official announcement pagehttp://www.ivybridgegroup.com/news-and-announcements/college-tour-2013-2/
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