加拿大华人论坛 美国留学移民Qihang 留学服务中心
启航留学中心 Qihang internation education centerF1学生身份出问题被开除(Terminated)又想留美怎么办?怎样才能在美国快速毕业完成学业吖?OPT/H1B失效,挂名申请CPT合法打工!专业办理名校申请,转学, 语言学校/本科/硕士/博士挂名, OPT/CPT申请,OPT结束身份保留,快速恢复学生身份, 商务B1/旅游B2/J1转学生F1签证等.挂名申请CPT合法打工!不报到转学挂名,OPT结束转F-1,等各项留学服务●全美学校申请,全程办理●快速签发学校I-20●签证专业培训●名校申请,奖学金申请●无成绩进COLLEGE转学挂名:●快速转学,转专业●语言,本科,硕士,博士挂名●OPT结束H1B工作签没抽到后身份保留,挂名申请CPT合法打工!转换身份,恢复身份:●学生出事被开除,学生F1身份丢失,恢复F1身份●B1/B2/H1B转 F1快速学位:●轻松州立大学1年本科学位●轻松1年MBA硕士学位●快速本科硕士博士文凭●政府文凭认证其他各项服务●各类翻译:书面,出行,电话,面谈等●新生银行开户,开学报道●接机送机,长短途接送联系人: JackTel: 626-242-8089微信: 16262428089 “启航国际教育中心” (Qihang International Education Center) 总部位于美国加利福尼亚州洛杉矶市。经过多年努力,公司已和数百所美国名校建立了长期合作关系。公司拥有强大丶专业的海外升学顾问团队,扎根美国,专注美国,用我们高品质丶专业化的服务,为中国的莘莘学子开启美国名校之门。同时我们也致力于完善美国境内服务体系,引领学生进入美国名校仅仅是我们服务的第一步,我们更希望成为学生在美国留学期间遇到任何问题时都可以信赖和依靠的良师益友,为学生的留学生活保驾护航,让学生满意,更让国内的家长放心。正规中介,专业公司, 不兼作其它, 注册公司, 信誉保证。American International Education Center headquartered in Los Angeles, California, is a full-service agency for Chinese students studying in America. After years of effort, "American International Education Center" has established a long-term stable relations of cooperation with hundreds of American high schools and universities.Dear all students,Welcome to Qihang International Education Center! We understand that Studying English is a journey to achieve your goals and dreams, whether educational, professional, or personal. American International Education Center will help you every step of the way! Our programs are designed to inspire you improve your English in a comfortable and friendly environment. Our programs are dynamic and innovative to make learning fun and engaging. Qihang International Education Center , as an accredited program of the Department of Linguistics, serves the educational mission of the University through scholarship, English language instruction, and English language professional training. The AIEC champions the University’s mission of internationalization and is a leader in helping achieve the University’s goals for diversity and student success. The AIEC supports the University in the integration of international students into all aspects of campus life, and collaborates with faculty across campus toward creating a successful academic experience for all international students. The Qihang seeks to attract and train the highest caliber of international students. The curricula of the AIEC’s on site and online programs are informed by language acquisition and pedagogical research and are the foundation for fostering the language and academic skills necessary for academic and lifelong success. To achieve the University’s and AIEC’s shared mission, the AIEC is committed to further developing and enhancing:• International student academic success• Support to campus faculty teaching international students• Creative leadership in innovative language pedagogy• Excellence in faculty development and support for faculty research• An engaging teaching and learning environment• Graduate education support in the Department of Linguistics
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