加拿大华人论坛 美国留学移民英语惯用语法之#5
语言学校第三季中了,学生们尽量不让学习紧张而喘不过气来,为此我们制做了本期惯用语法来表达你的感受.运用这些惯用语法来表达同一时间所承受巨大的挑战:- to have your hands full-忙的分不开身Ex: " you sure have your hands full with 5 teenagers in your house"举例:家中有5个十几歳的孩子让你够忙的分不开身了.-to have a lot on your plate/ to have a full plate-行程丶工作满档Ex: I'm taking three night classes and working six days a week, I got a lot on my plate right now.举例: 我一星期上三天夜间部课程及工作六天,基本上我的行程己经饱和了.-to juggle (too many things)-想方设法Ex: Single mothers often have to juggle two or three jobs along with having a family to take care of a house to maintain.it's a hard life.举例: 单亲母亲经常要想方设法在工作及照顾家庭之间兼顾,日子实在够难的呀!如果你有太多的工作而时间不够用的情况下可使用下列惯用语:-to be swamped- 被包围Ex: Department store employees are always so swamped during the holidays.举例:百货公司的员工通常在假日时都被需要服务的客人给包围了.-to be in the weeds-有麻烦Ex: I'm really going to be in the weeds if my teammates don't help me with our group project.举例: 要不是我的队友一起帮忙做这个计划我就麻烦了.-to burn the candle at both ends-腊烛二头烧忙不过来Ex:he's been waking up early to go to work and staying up late to study. He'll never survive if he keeps burning the candle at both ends like this!举例:他很早起来就去工作了且昨晚因为读书睡的很晚,他撑不了多久如果继续蜡烛二头烧的话.-to bite off more than you can chew-贪心不足蛇吞象Ex:I think I bit off more than I can chew when I agreed to plan her wedding and make the cake.举例:我觉得不堪负荷又要筹备她的婚礼同时又要为他制作结婚蛋糕.-to be in over your head-太乐观丶太天真Ex:These kids are in over their heads trying to make that life-sized robot out of legos.举例:这些孩子太过于乐观的想用乐高做一个真人大小的乐高人.-to be underwater- 来不及丶落后Ex: If you don't get started on your chores right now, you are going to be underwater pretty quickly and you won't be able to go out with your friend later.举例: 你要是不加紧把家事做完,你很快就会来不及也就跟你的朋友出去玩了.-to be stretched too thin/ to be spread too thin-已耗尽精力Ex: I felt like I've been stretched too thin at work lately. It seems like I'll never finish all of my work.举例:我觉得我已尽力了但却仍然无法把工作做好.Optimus语言学校欢迎您的来电或是来访欢迎合作加盟学校官网: http://www.ols.edu电话(美国):7149904657微信:微信号- OLSUSA微信名称- OLS海外英语学习Email:[email protected] / 微信 jasmine-0131公司地址:451 W. Lambert Rd Suite 210, Brea, CA 92821
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