加拿大华人论坛 美国留学移民申请回美证和工卡,要求provide physical address
申请了绿卡和回美证及工卡。递交这些申请的时候都详细填好了表格, 昨天收到了移民局寄来了关于回美证和工卡的信,要求 provide physicall address。 查申请表格,确认当时填写表格的时候已经填写physical address ,请教如何provide physical address 。非常感谢!附件如下:This office is unable to complete the processing of your Application for advance parole, Form I-131, without additional information. Please submit the information indicated below.Please provide the physical address of your residence. if it is impossible for you to receive mail at your physical residence, you may also provide an explanation and request, along with the address of your physical residence requesting USCIS to use an alternative mailing address such as a P.O.BOX or other mailing address.All copies must be clear and legible. If you submit a document in any language other than English it must be submitted with a full English translation.The translator must certify that the translation is complete and accurate,and that he or she is competent to translate. you must submit both the foreign language document and the English translation.You must submit the information within 87(eighty-seven) days,on or before October 11,2014, to the following address: U.S.Department of Homeland Security, PO BOX 648004, Lee's Summit, MO 64002. For express delivery: USCIS National Benefits Center, Attention: Adjudication - Ancillaries, 850 NW Chipman Rd., Suite 5000, Lee's Summit, MO 64063. Failure to do so will result in a denial.Include this letter with your response.
谢谢 lucy fr感觉这个provide physical address 是不是需要approve 啊,such as utility billstks a lot
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