加拿大华人论坛 美国留学移民这封邮件什么意思?急! Mrs la 请指教 谢谢,是好
On 09/08/2011 you, or the designated representative shown below, contacted us about your case. Some of the key information given to us at that time was the following:Caller indicated they are:-- Applicant or PetitionerAttorney Name:-- Information not availableCase type:-- I751Filing date:-- 07/08/2011Referral ID:Beneficiary (if you filed for someone else):-- Information not availableType of service requested:-- Non-Delivery of Other NoticeThe status of this service request is:Our records indicate that we recently requested that you go to one of our Application Support Centers for processing associated with this case. Your case is currently in suspense until you complete this process. A copy of the appointment notice has been mailed to you. Please follow any instructions on that notice.If you have any further questions, please call the National Customer Service Center at 1-800-375-5283.Please remember: By law, every person who is not a U.S. citizen and who is over the age of 14 must submit Form AR-11 AND notify this office of their change of address, within 10 days from when they move (persons in "A" or "G" nonimmigrant status are exempt from this requirement). To notify this office of a move, visit our website at: www.uscis.gov or call the National Customer Service Center at 1-800-375-5283. The Form AR-11 can be downloaded from our website or you can call the National Customer Service Center at 1-800-375-5283 and we can order one for you. Instructions for filing the Form AR-11, including mailing instructions, are included on the Form.U.S. Citizenship and Imm标签:急!!(5) 添加标签...
9月8日你来电询问你的Case状态,你于7月8日递交了临时绿卡转正的申请,移民局已经给你发了采集指纹的通知,要求你按时去规定的Application Support Centers打指纹。目前你的case处于待审理状态,需要你打了指纹才能继续审理。
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