Email forward 给别人, 这封email原件就从我邮箱中消失了是怎么回事?
在加拿大 如题 Email forward 给别人, 这封email原件就从我邮箱中消失了是怎么回事? 能够解决吗? 评论 看看发件箱(Draft)和已发邮件(Sent),是否在那儿? 转发邮件之后,原件应该仍然在inbox中...华人论坛
在加拿大 如题 Email forward 给别人, 这封email原件就从我邮箱中消失了是怎么回事? 能够解决吗? 评论 看看发件箱(Draft)和已发邮件(Sent),是否在那儿? 转发邮件之后,原件应该仍然在inbox中...华人论坛
在加拿大 是这样的,我一个美国客户对我们价格比较满意, 但是它来了这样一个问题 而我不愿意把客户分享给他,如何答复比较好? 评论 if you could give us some references?Any customers that you do busine...华人论坛
在加拿大 邮件原文: Thanks for.that!! My specialists are checking hoe to incorporate your products to oir range the best way. You will.hear from me!! Hope you enjoyed your holoday and the celebration!! 一、他把我名字打错了,整封邮件...华人论坛
在加拿大 贴不了图。只好附件 评论 发文字呀 评论 冗长 无趣 评论 Explanation makes you weak. 评论 一般般, 楼主自我感觉太良好了. 评论 +100086 楼主自我感觉太良好了。。。 评论 写的不错了~~...华人论坛
在加拿大 For Chinese version, please see below.中文版,请看下方。 Dear supplier, In the past 1 week, ELEVATE conducted an assessment at your facility. We wanted to thank you for accommodating the visit, as well as ask for your feedback on th...华人论坛
在加拿大 Dear XXX From ethical point of view we just cannot ditched current supplier for a small gap. As an example- let’s say you are supplying this for $2.00 for a while and someone came and say I can do it for $1.95. do you think I can let you g...华人论坛
在加拿大 各位大侠有碰到过写开发信的过程中,客户发过来以下这样的邮件吗? 这封邮件是让我不要再发邮件给客户了吗? This e-mail is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and contains confidential in...华人论坛
在加拿大 这个“潜在客户”是在领英认识的,给他发了产品图册后要我报价。老板说先问他对哪个产品感兴趣,我发邮件问了,结果他就发了以下的内容。。。 As I told you we are a contract company an...华人论坛
在加拿大 a) Steel Alloy Rod Dia 53.9mm BS-970 Part-1 5500 kg (2 1/8) 1983 826-M-40 Cond-Y b) Steel Alloy Rod Dia 136.5mm BS-970 Part-1 5500 kg (5 1/8) 1983 708-M-40 Cond-Y c) Steel Alloy Rod Dia 136.5mm BS-970 Part-1 8000 kg (5 1/8) 1983 708-M-40 Con...华人论坛
在加拿大 Thank you for information but for main of market it is control cable and instrument cable and special cable but for coaxial cable it not much. And if in the future I receive requirement from our customer for cable this type I will inform to...华人论坛
在加拿大 “Iasked you during our meeting at Canton Fair, that if you needed the sample. But you said no, photograph is enough for you. Also, the price you quoted is almost 70% higher than other suppliers have quoted us.” 这是一个在广交会上认...华人论坛
在加拿大 事情是这样的,我们的产品是有缝水洗标的,第一次跟客人确认好了水洗标,后来过了几天客人说水洗标需要改动,然后我们把重新做好的水洗标图稿发给客人确认,客人说没问题了。...华人论坛
在加拿大 大家好, 最近加拿大发生山火,给客户发邮件后,客户回复的邮件内容如下,怎么回复客户呀? Thank you for your e-mail of May 6, 2016. For this time of year, there are actually a lot of bush fires in the we...华人论坛
在加拿大 1111 [ 本帖最后由 无敌vicky 于 2016-1-22 14:05 编辑 ] 评论 是来不及交货的意思???? 评论 嗯,是订单已经确认,但是样品还没出,所以要先打样~但是现在实际情况是现在很多工厂要放假...华人论坛
在加拿大 We are always looking for unique and innovative products that help our customers organize their lives, save them space and time.Our Buying Team is passionate about offering the best selection of storage and organization products and building...华人论坛
在加拿大 Bom dia Pai , Veja abaixo a mensajem do fabricante de roadeiras que ira enviar por correio, Verifiqueri no correio e o pagamento devera ser feito diretamente ao fornecedor atarves de Fechamento de cambio. O correio ira fazer todos os documen...华人论坛
在加拿大 求外贸开发信,西班牙语一封 翻译一下哦,大致意思一样就可以,专业名词可以不翻译,拜托了,大侠们 Dear purchase manager Glad to hear that you're on the market for warmfloor. We specialize in this fie...华人论坛
在加拿大 大家好,请教高手帮忙翻译这封意大利文的邮件。在此先谢谢了。 Buon giorno. Grazie per esserVi interessati. I rubinetti noi li trattiamo perchè abbiamo acquistato l'anno scorso uno stock di rubinetteria di un negozi...华人论坛
在加拿大 este preos e en moedas brazileira e em reais ou en dolareseu nao tenho trasportadoras nem conheo favor o valor total junto com correios pac ate xegar na minha cidadeararipina pe cep 56280-000 rua santa rita II nm 12 b planalto rotortec manu...华人论坛
在加拿大 内容:boa noite, eu quero 25 jogos na cor marron, e cadeira com almofadas brancas, gostaria saber se fabricam guarda sol tambem, se sim enviar modelo, preciso 10 guarda sois na cor branca com diametro de 250x250. moro no brasil no estado...华人论坛
在加拿大 用google翻译,应该有拼写错误,还不能完全了解什么意思。 哪位高手帮我翻译一下这封法语邮件是啥意思??万分感激 Je suis desolemais nous n'arrivons pas à avoir une coupe nette sans ébrèchure du...华人论坛
在加拿大 Solo deseo que me den hasta el martes para enviar el documento firmado y sellado. Estoy cotizando las transportadores acuáticas para el traslado del producto. Una vez que haya elegido la empresa que me traerá el producto les hago llegar el...华人论坛
在加拿大 今天刚收到一封询盘 但好像是用德语写的 具体内容是这样的 me interesa conocer sobre precios de maquinaria para la fabricaion de 500 litros semanales 虽然我英语很好 但却没学过德语 我猜意思可能是对我...华人论坛
在加拿大 Boa tarde! Ademir/Eduardo. Poderiam analisar a configurao atual do CPU de minha me e o que será exigido para um curso a distancia. Seguem anexos os arquivos das configuraes. Admir por acaso você tem disponibilidade para o dia 14/03? Caso t...华人论坛
在加拿大 高手来看看这封邮件是什么意思,我看怎么那么像方便面呢 特别像康师傅方便面 : ... : : : : :38 : .... ... : ... : : : ' ' ' ' : ' ' [ 本帖最后由 jiayuhu1020 于 2009-9-16 13:59 编辑 ] 评论 oh ,my god !...华人论坛
在加拿大 Witam dzikuje za zdjcia. Maszyny s bardzo ciekawe do interesujc wygldaj . Ciekawi mnie jeszcze zasilanie tych maszyn czy pracuj na 110v czy 220v zauwayem wtyczki do gniazd na 110v. w Polsce zasilanie jest na 220V, Poza tym interesuj mnie fol...华人论坛
在加拿大 Envíeme por e-mail la factura final que debe incluir , después del valor FOB , el valor del flete local y lo más importante , el pago efectuado a la Seguros. Solo con esta factura incluyendo lo indicado puedo solicitar a mi Banco q...华人论坛
在加拿大 Witam, drogi Clarence u Ciebie równie taka ostra zima widziaam , przepraszam ze nic nie pisaam ale byam na chorobowym zwolnieniu -grypa , niestety nie udao mi sie tym razem jej unikn . teraz kwestia zamowienia musze sie troszeczk wstrzymac...华人论坛
在加拿大 我是做假发行业的,生产无痕接发产品和生产时用到的原材料。 HiXX, Glad to know that your are on the market of hair industry. We are not only specialize in hair extensions,but also produce raw material such as tape ro...华人论坛
在加拿大 All items must be certified for sale in Europe- Which you do not have I understand Ref : Commercial fittings with packaging We can look at this 评论 CE 证书? 评论 是的,能给具体翻译下吗 评论 我理解的释义:所有产品...华人论坛
在加拿大 请教各位大神,这封邮件是什么意思啊?帮忙翻译下,谢谢 Dear Alice, The pans were delivered by FedEx this morning. There are 8 pans all together.Thank you!The top of the cone looks much better on the ones I can see. Un...华人论坛
在加拿大 Lesebest?tigung:_chair_cover Ihre Nachricht An:dw Betreff:chair cover Gesendet:05.12.2007 01:02 wurde am 05.12.2007 10:03 gelesen. 评论 这应该他们统一回复的邮件,说是你的消息在2007.12.05,10:03被读 评论 同意楼上...华人论坛
在加拿大 Ya se mando a origen el aviso en breve te estaremos informando de las cantidades para ver si se hara marítimo LCL o cntr. 评论 很快我们就会通知你们数量, 看是拼箱还是发整柜. 评论 同意,是西班牙语! 评论 真是...华人论坛
在加拿大 Это уведомление о прочтении для сообщения, которое вы отправили в адрес [email protected]. Примечание: Это уведомление о прочтении озна...华人论坛
在加拿大 因为去年订单操控不力引起了客户诸多不满,怎样给客户写邮件重建合作信心,最好能是英文版的 评论 we made mistakes last year, all corrected and going well so far till now. mind giving us another chance...华人论坛
在加拿大 这是我写开发信,然后他会给我的邮件,我是做进口的,有些意思不太理解,坐等高手帮忙看看,谢谢谢谢 Thank you for the add and for connecting. I actually came online to promote an event that I am putt...华人论坛
在加拿大 nick have probably mentioned it to you that we are going to order some boxpackage for our products and we were hoping that you also have the knowledge to make barcodes stickers? After we have received the samples you are sending we will most...华人论坛
在加拿大 这封邮件谈的是PI里面的细节问题。。 The Buyer, Consignee or whatever you want to call it. From now on it is nothing more than xxxxxxx(he is the Importer / Exporter enabled to do the operation); No other person or datacan appea...华人论坛
在加拿大 Mr sc, Nice day, Last week,you already know our company profile. According toour full experience in Vietnam cccproduct market, Korea xxx is the hot sellingproduct in vietnam’s company, such as, the cccproduct is ourstrength...华人论坛
在加拿大 请问你收到下面这封邮件了吗? [ 本帖最后由 前来学习 于 2013-12-10 16:47 编辑 ] 评论 Have you received email on below? 评论 建议这样问: do you received the email dated on 8th, Nov? 评论 May I know if you re...华人论坛
在加拿大 求英语达人帮忙看一下, 我们公司是做卫浴的。 8月份期间受到询盘要我们产品报价,之后问我们是否有美标,我回复很抱歉没有,因为我们公司是做一些中低端市场。所以回复客户后...华人论坛
在加拿大 收到了一封来自尼日利亚的邮件,有些地方不太懂比如-100%D/P Bill for Collection。我们的付款方式一直都是T/T,可以接受信用证,大家帮忙看看是不是骗子。 邮件内容如下---- Dear, This is to...华人论坛
在加拿大 开年来写了封邮件给一个客人,是想听听他对于今年我们合作的一些想法,结果他发来了这么一封,高手给分析下,具体是什么意思?是想停止合作了吗? Tim and Team at Dequing, Noted your...华人论坛
在加拿大 柜子5个一直在延,出不去,想催船公司赶紧安排出去。 Dear Sir, Before Chinese Year, we have 5 containers, which values usdxxx, shipped in your company, but now they are still delayed. As you know, the goods are all garme...华人论坛
在加拿大 Order for Zipper Runner We would like to have you quote for zipper(PLASTIC) 5 # DERLIN ZIPPER PANTONE # 5535, 15,000 METER(200M/ROLL), AND 5# RUNNER(METAL) WITH YKK(NOT ORIGINAL YKK), 36,000 PCS(1000 PCS/OPP BAG), PANTONE # 5535. 上班半个月...华人论坛
在加拿大 刚才收到一封询盘。想问LED的朋友们是什么意思?谢谢! Can I please get pricing on gu4 and recessed puck up [ 本帖最后由 patty-chu 于 2013-3-21 16:26 编辑 ] 评论 乍看上去好像语法上有错误。他想要询...华人论坛
在加拿大 Dear sir, pl quote your price of lectric C Beds, Height adjustable wit head and leg side liftable for a 40 ft container load. salim 这位客户是要求一个40英尺货柜的电动护理床报价吗 评论 对。萨利姆同志是这个意思...华人论坛
在加拿大 老板让我帮他翻译一下这份邮件,可是有几句我不是太懂,哪位大神帮我翻译一下,大恩不言谢! Wow you finally made it , ok thank you the only problem is that we need to build an aluminum cover as in attach...华人论坛
在加拿大 Because of the recent turn of events I have decided not to do business with your company. I am planning to come to China in mid August. May be you will be able to persuade me to re-establish ties. 评论 准备烧香祈祷吧! 评论 “因为...华人论坛