Thank you for your e-mail of May 6, 2016. For this time of year, there are actually a lot of bush fires
in the western provinces of Canada right now. However, they are all burning in the northern areas and
mostly located away from populated areas. We are located in the southwest corner of Canada and
generally don’t have much of a problem with forest fires due to a damper climate, less wind, and more
eyes to spot trouble before it gets too big to contain.
What you saw on the news was undoubtedly the fire which is currently burning in northeast Alberta and
had passed through a community called Fort MacMurray. This place is basically the local commercial and
logistical heart of the oil sands industry in western Canada and had to be completely evacuated on Tuesday
when crews lost control of a local bush fire due to high winds and dry, hot weather. Being in a remote area,
there is only one highway leading out to the north and south and 88,000 people had to use it while parts
of the highway and local feeder roads were surrounded by burning forests and buildings. There was basically
gridlock and vehicles were running out of gas on the way south because the few gas stations out of the
immediate fire area ran out of supplies very quickly. Why people didn’t keep their tanks full given the presence
of fire in the area is a little puzzling, but I don’t think the danger was fully understood until after they lost
control of the fire. Most of the people living in Fort MacMurray were originally from parts of the country which
don’t experience this type of event.
The people who fled to the north were basically trapped and had to stay in industrial camps or the native
community of Fort McKay as the road to the north has no connections. They just started to move them back south
in convoys this morning. Meanwhile, the main danger to the town has passed. Most of the destruction occurred
Tuesday night and they are just mopping up spot fires now, as the main body of the fire, which is now around
100K hectares in size, has moved to the southeast and now threatens some smaller settlements but nothing
heavily populated.
Fort MacMurray remains evacuated and will be for some time. The oil companies have had to curtail about 600K
barrels a day of production for lack crews to run the equipment. Most of the damage was in single family
neighbourhoods, with about 2,000 houses burned, along with a few businesses and part of the airport. This represents
about 20% of the housing there, but the downtown area and the industrial park and almost all of the infrastructure
were saved, which was a highly uncertain outcome a couple of days ago. There was a real risk that the entire place
would be destroyed.
The amazing thing when I see the dash-cam videos of the evacuation is that nobody was killed or even seriously
injured in the process, aside from a couple of people killed in a motor vehicle accident some distance away. I had
never heard the term pyro-cumulus cloud before this week. This is a type of cumulus cloud generated by intense
fires which combines smoke and water vapour and creates its own weather, and this is the weather they are seeing
in parts of northern Alberta these days. Makes me very grateful to live where I live, although I might change my
mind depending on the size of our next earthquake …
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me too,Thanks GOD,Amen
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