加拿大华人论坛 美国留学移民诚征华人合作伙伴(婚姻移民)
I am a 35 year old Caucasian man searching for a Chinese business partner interpreter. Must have excellent people skills and ability to work open schedule. Candidate must be fluent in English and Chinese language. My associates and social friends are highly educated men and women whom seek and are interested in helping foreign students. Main purpose is for real stable relationships with mutual *benefits* . Contact this ad with related work experience and what benefit you can contribute. Compensation is up to $100,000+ annually can be much more based on effort placed to earn it. 我是一个35岁的白人男子,寻找一个中国人的业务合作伙伴。您必须具有良好的人际交往能力和工作能力,灵活的时间,必须会说流利的英语和汉语。我的社会各界朋友是受过良好教育的男性和女性,他们愿意帮助外国学生,主要目的是真正稳定的合作关系与共同利益。 如果你有相关的经验,请联系我。一般能年收入$ 100,000 或者更多。 QQ: [email protected]
对啊,什么意思?“helping foreign students”“Main purpose is for real stable relationships with mutual *benefits* . ”=you want someone to help you find foreign students to ****?
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