加拿大华人论坛 美国留学移民请帮忙:结婚申请绿卡的check list


请问大家有没有新一点的check list,在网上找到的,都是2007年左右的。谢谢大家!

Cover letter of I-130 6/9/2011Re: I-130, Petition for Alien Relative Dear Sir or Madam:I am hereby filing this petition for my wife/husband, xxx. The things in this packet are:1.Payment as required by USCIS.2.Form I-130: Petition for Alien Relative.3.A copy of my Birth Certificate and my passport as a US Citizen.4.A copy of our marriage certificate.5.A copy of my divorce document.(optional)6.A copy of my wife’s/husband's divorce document.(optional)7.G-325A (four pages) filled out by me, and attached one photo of me.8.G-325A (four pages) filled out by my wife/husband, XXX, and attached her photo.9.Documentation showing joint ownership of properties.10.Documentation showing co-mingling of financial resources.I am looking forward to your kind response. Yours Sincerely, Signature ______________ Date _______________(Printed Name)(Address)(Phone)##########################################Cover letter of I-485 6/9/2011Re: I-485, Application to Register Permanent Residence or Adjust Status {An Immediate Relative (Spouse) Family Based Adjustment of Status Application filed with I-130} Dear Sir or Madam:The things in this packet are:1.Payment as required by USCIS2.Form I-485, Application to Register Permanent Residence or Adjust Status3.Form I-131, Application for Travel Document and the statement4.Form I-765, Application for Employment AuthorizationSupporting documents5.Form I-130, Petition for Alien Relative ( Case No. if any) Supporting documents for Form I-1306.Copies of petitioner’s birth certificate, passport page and visa page, I-947.Petitioner’s Form G-325A and two photos8. Form I-693 Report of Medical Examination and Vaccination Record9. Form I-864 Affidavit of Support Under Section 213A of the ActI am looking forward to your kind response. Yours Sincerely, Signature _______________ Date _______________(Printed Name) (Address)(Phone)

Thanks A LOT :D


Cover letter of I-130 6/9/2011Re: I-130, Petition for Alien Relative Dear Sir or Madam:I am hereby filing this petition for my wife/husband, xxx. The things in this packet are:1.Payment as required by USCIS.2.Form I-130: Petition for Alien Relative.3.A copy of my Birth Certificate and my passport as a US Citizen.4.A copy of our marriage certificate.5.A copy of my divorce document.(optional)6.A copy of my wife’s/husband's divorce document.(optional)7.G-325A (four pages) filled out by me, and attached one photo of me.8.G-325A (four pages) filled out by my wife/husband, XXX, and attached her photo.9.Documentation showing joint ownership of properties.10.Documentation showing co-mingling of financial resources.I am looking forward to your kind response. Yours Sincerely, Signature ______________ Date _______________(Printed Name)(Address)(Phone)##########################################Cover letter of I-485 6/9/2011Re: I-485, Application to Register Permanent Residence or Adjust Status {An Immediate Relative (Spouse) Family Based Adjustment of Status Application filed with I-130} Dear Sir or Madam:The things in this packet are:1.Payment as required by USCIS2.Form I-485, Application to Register Permanent Residence or Adjust Status3.Form I-131, Application for Travel Document and the statement4.Form I-765, Application for Employment AuthorizationSupporting documents5.Form I-130, Petition for Alien Relative ( Case No. if any) Supporting documents for Form I-1306.Copies of petitioner’s birth certificate, passport page and visa page, I-947.Petitioner’s Form G-325A and two photos8. Form I-693 Report of Medical Examination and Vaccination Record9. Form I-864 Affidavit of Support Under Section 213A of the ActI am looking forward to your kind response. Yours Sincerely, Signature _______________ Date _______________(Printed Name) (Address)(Phone) By LucyFurrer

I-130 and I-485 Checkl lists 发布人: LucyFurrer 发布于: 2011/06/09, 5:19 pm --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cover letter of I-130 6/9/2011 Re: I-130, Petition for Alien Relative Dear Sir or Madam: I am hereby filing this petition for my wife/husband, xxx. The things in this packet are: 1.Payment as required by USCIS. 2.Form I-130: Petition for Alien Relative. 3.A copy of my Birth Certificate and my passport as a US Citizen. 4.A copy of our marriage certificate. 5.A copy of my divorce document.(optional) 6.A copy of my wife’s/husband's divorce document.(optional) 7.G-325A (four pages) filled out by me, and attached one photo of me. 8.G-325A (four pages) filled out by my wife/husband, XXX, and attached her photo. 9.Documentation showing joint ownership of properties. 10.Documentation showing co-mingling of financial resources. I am looking forward to your kind response. Yours Sincerely, Signature ______________ Date _______________ (Printed Name) (Address) (Phone) ########################################## Cover letter of I-485 6/9/2011 Re: I-485, Application to Register Permanent Residence or Adjust Status {An Immediate Relative (Spouse) Family Based Adjustment of Status Application filed with I-130} Dear Sir or Madam: The things in this packet are: 1.Payment as required by USCIS 2.Form I-485, Application to Register Permanent Residence or Adjust Status 3.Form I-131, Application for Travel Document and the statement 4.Form I-765, Application for Employment Authorization Supporting documents 5.Form I-130, Petition for Alien Relative ( Case No. if any) Supporting documents for Form I-130 6.Copies of petitioner’s birth certificate, passport page and visa page, I-94 7.Petitioner’s Form G-325A and two photos 8. Form I-693 Report of Medical Examination and Vaccination Record 9. Form I-864 Affidavit of Support Under Section 213A of the Act I am looking forward to your kind response. Yours Sincerely, Signature _______________ Date _______________ (Printed Name) (Address) (Phone)------------------------------------------------------请问LucyFurrer ,你发给楼主的这个list是不是也可以用在亲属团聚的申请中,如果改动其中的几个字?就是将wife or husband 改成father or mather。


Cover letter of I-130 6/9/2011Re: I-130, Petition for Alien Relative Dear Sir or Madam:I am hereby filing this petition for my wife/husband, xxx. The things in this packet are:1.Payment as required by USCIS.2.Form I-130: Petition for Alien Relative.3.A copy of my Birth Certificate and my passport as a US Citizen.lucy你好,中国公民除了出生公证外,需要国内的单身公正吗?谢谢4.A copy of our marriage certificate.5.A copy of my divorce document.(optional)6.A copy of my wife’s/husband's divorce document.(optional)7.G-325A (four pages) filled out by me, and attached one photo of me.8.G-325A (four pages) filled out by my wife/husband, XXX, and attached her photo.9.Documentation showing joint ownership of properties.10.Documentation showing co-mingling of financial resources.I am looking forward to your kind response. Yours Sincerely, Signature ______________ Date _______________(Printed Name)(Address)(Phone)##########################################Cover letter of I-485 6/9/2011Re: I-485, Application to Register Permanent Residence or Adjust Status {An Immediate Relative (Spouse) Family Based Adjustment of Status Application filed with I-130} Dear Sir or Madam:The things in this packet are:1.Payment as required by USCIS2.Form I-485, Application to Register Permanent Residence or Adjust Status3.Form I-131, Application for Travel Document and the statement4.Form I-765, Application for Employment AuthorizationSupporting documents5.Form I-130, Petition for Alien Relative ( Case No. if any) Supporting documents for Form I-1306.Copies of petitioner’s birth certificate, passport page and visa page, I-947.Petitioner’s Form G-325A and two photos8. Form I-693 Report of Medical Examination and Vaccination Record9. Form I-864 Affidavit of Support Under Section 213A of the ActI am looking forward to your kind response. Yours Sincerely, Signature _______________ Date _______________(Printed Name) (Address)(Phone) By LucyFurrer



请问大家有没有新一点的check list,在网上找到的,都是2007年左右的。谢谢大家! By d1p2


这个不完整。I-765和I-131也各要2张photo还有各的supporting documents。


这个不完整。I-765和I-131也各要2张photo还有各的supporting documents。 By spoon

几点说明:一丶2010年以前与I-130和I-485一同递交I-765(工卡)和(I-131回美证),申请者收到的工卡上用的是采集指纹时在移民局办公室照的相片,而回美证AP(一式两份A4大小纸张)上用的的照片是递交I-485时要求附在G-325A 后面的照片。 从2010年以后,工卡和AP 成了合二为一的一张卡。就是在工卡的下面多了一行字,表明该工卡也是AP。照片用的是在移民局采集指纹时的照片。所以现在更不需要在I-765和I-131后附上照片了。当然如果单独递交这两类申请则需要附上照片。二丶网上网友提供的信息严格来说是不准确的或者是不完整的。需要申请者自己认真研读移民局官网上有关表格的填写说明(Instructions)。如果按照表格的 Instructions 来操作应该是完全没有问题的。三丶移民局各种表格收费的标准也会随着时间的推移而有所改动。递交申请前应该参考移民局官网上的收费标准。四丶以前的G-325A从移民局的官网下载就是一式四份(五页,四页表格,一页说明),当时移民局也要求递交四份表格。现在移民局只要求一份,其官网上的下载也就只有两页,一页表格,一页说明。五丶如果在境内调整身份 I-864 不需要缴费。还可以看看其他相关帖子:https://www.chineseinla.com/f/page_viewtopic/p_202705.htmlhttps://www.chineseinla.com/f/page_viewtopic/t_50332.html

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华人网我19年7月递表格申请我太太过来,我太太人在中国,到现在20年1月份,我看到排期进度还是显示“无需排期”,请问我现在可以递交I-485吗? 评论 无需排期适用于受益人在美国境内。 ...



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