加拿大华人论坛 美国留学移民I485 状态更新
Request for Initial Evidence Notice Was MailedOn February 3, 2015, we suspended processing of your case, Receipt Number MSC#######, because we need more information from you. Your notice explains what we need from you to resume work on your case. We will not take action on your case until we receive the evidence or the deadline to submit it expires. Please follow the instructions in the notice. If you do not receive your request for initial evidence notice by March 5, 2015, please go to www.uscis.gov/e-request to request a copy of the notice. If you move, go to www.uscis.gov/addresschange to give us your new mailing address.还没有收到收据 想问下LUCY I765会耽误时间吗
好的 谢谢回复
·新西兰新闻 警方用DNA调查北岛乡村尸骸 当地56年前有儿童离奇失踪
·新西兰新闻 北岛消防员处置车祸现场 发现死者为自己的妻子