加拿大华人论坛 美国留学移民美国婚姻绿卡面试问题集锦


About details of interview question.1.How do you know each other?2. if you answer through the net,which web-site? Why did you go that website that day? What's you pupose?3, Since when have you known each other?4. Where did he live when you knew him?5.How long have you known each other?6.How do you keep in touch?7.In which language do you talk to each other?8.Have you met when you were in US? Has he come US to see you?9.when did you meet first time, where ?10.How often have you met? How many time has he come US to see you?11.What are the dates of the visits?12.How long did you know each other before he came US?13.Where did you go travall in US ?14.How many closets do you have? Whose cloths put in the closet In your bedroom ?15.Do you have pets?16.where and when did you husband propose you? Did he send you ring?17.Had you take your honeymoon ? when and where?18.Do you have CABLE TV?19.What are you usually do on your spare time?20.What did you do on the Christmas Eve and Christmas day.21.what’s kind of program do you usually watch?22.Where were you born? What is your birthday?23.are you parents alive ?where they are ?24.Did you talk about marriage at you first meet ? 25.what is you currently address ?26. Have you ever been arrested or detained by any Law enforcement officer for any reason?27: Have you ever been convicted or placed in an alternative sentencing program or rehabilitative ?28.Are you the member of Chinese Communist Party?29.have you any about experience in Army?31.Are you belong to any terror organization? 32.have you ever prostitute? 30.Why did you go that website that day? What's you pupose?32,when your husband come back usually from work.?33, Did you husband married before ? Does he has children?34,Did you married before ? Do you have children?36, when did you enter the U S with which type visa? Where37, Do you have Driver license or driver permit?38, Is this your first time come to US?39,have you ever leave US to Canada or Mexico?40,Do you have job?41 Who support you ?42. what is your home phone number?43 What is your husband cell phone number?44,what is your cell phone number?46,what did you do when you came back US after your wedding.47 how did you got green card ?48 when did you divorced?49 Have you ever applied other woman to US ?50.Have you met both parents?? .51.Have you taken any pictures of your visits together?52.[after taking out pictures]when and where did you take these pictures?53.Have you any more pictures?54,do you have any letter after you met.55.When did you decide to marry?56.When did you get engaged?57.when did you marry?58.Have you brought the marriage certificate?59.Did you marry when you just met?60.What's his full name?61.Where does he live?62.How old is he?63.When is his birthday?64.Where was he born?65.From where did he move to US?66.When did he emigrate??67. What does he do for living/what does he do/what's his job??68.where does he work?69. How much his salary is?70. Has he any other brothers and sisters?71. Are his parents alive?72.What's his mother's name? where does she live?73.What is his fond of?74.what color does he like best?75.what kind of music does he like?76.What car does he drive?77.What's his religion?77. when did he divorce his ex-wife?why?78. what's your age?79.to which countries have you been? When did you go there? For how long ? How did you get there?80. Have you ever been to US before? when for how long ? What’s you purpose to go there?81.What did you do for living/what's your job/what do you do?82. Which university did you graduate from?83. Which subject you have studied?84. What's your religion?85. Have you have brothers and sisters? Where they are ?86.Have you married before?87. What's your EX's name/ is he in US?? (if devorce)88. Can you speak English89. Which character/quality/nature do you like best about your husband?91.Why did you want to marry him92. How do you know he is the most one fit for you?93. All your friends and family member are in China. why do you want to go US94. How do you feel when you left your hometown and family? did you feel any sorrow?95.When did you leave china?96.Where do you live in US?97.What kind of profession do you want to do? Do you want to study? what's your plan ?面试准备的材料:以下除了标明“要走了”的材料,其余移民官都没要。1.面试通知信(进去后就收掉了,然后等着叫名字)2.485,130,131,765的收据3.两人的生活照,结婚照(我们没有结婚照,移民官也没问起。带去的100多张照片她也没看,就让条两张两人都是正面的合影给她)4.重新填过并notorize的I-864表5.结婚证的原件和复印件6.公民配偶的公民纸原件和复印件7.两个人的护照和复印件8.两个人的驾照和复印件9.两个人的social security card的原件和复印10.申请人的签证相关文件原件和复印件11.两个人出生证公证的原件和复印件12.两个人最近3年的tax return和IRS 寄来的transcript (一定要及早打电话去IRS要transcript。电话是800-829-1040。一般要2-3周才会收到)13.两个人最近3个月的pay stub(只要走了公民的pay stub)14.两个人最近3年的W-2 (问公民要2004的W-2,不过我们没带)15.两个人的employment verification letter(只要走了公民的)16.近6个月的联合账户的statement和复印件(要走了所有6个月的复印件)17.有两个人名字的utility bill,我们带了cable (要走了)18.有两个人名字的医疗保险卡和复印件(收走了复印件)19.受益人为申请人的人生保险单(从公司人事科的网页上打印下来的,被收走了) 。20.钻戒的保险书(上面正好有两个人的名字所以带了,不过没看)21.两个人的2x2报名照各4张(没要)22.如果交485时没交体检结果的话要带去23.朋友证明两人关系的affidavit(见下面的帖子,主动交的,她就收下了)24.如果有含两个人名字的lease要带上。总之一切有两个人名字的东西都得带上。



挺好。前二天一位客人面谈,被问到了家里的水龙头是向上拉的还是向下按的,今天早上来面谈前在哪里吃的早饭等所以,在living together 类的婚姻面谈问题时,要多注意细节。 By 新纪元移民




晕倒,这么多问题。。请问这个面谈是所有婚姻绿卡file485以后都要进行的,还是只是跟公民结婚要进行这个面谈?跟绿卡结婚也要进行这个面谈吗?谁会傻到跟绿卡假结婚呢,没必要通过问这些问题来证实婚姻的真实性吧?????? By flycolor


包培训, 翻译, 材料准备, ! 有意者: QQ: 386242711

刚收到面试通知,六月份的面试,看了问题集锦和要准备的材料,有一点不懂关于重新填过并notorize的I-864表,I-864要再准备一份吗?那数据有出入没有关系吗?还有关于什么是employment verification letter,怎么取得这个letter,求大家的解答,谢谢!!


刚收到面试通知,六月份的面试,看了问题集锦和要准备的材料,有一点不懂关于重新填过并notorize的I-864表,I-864要再准备一份吗?那数据有出入没有关系吗?还有关于什么是employment verification letter,怎么取得这个letter,求大家的解答,谢谢!! By nb006600

你交的那个I-864表一年内有效,不必用新的。Employment verification letter是指你如果找到工作了,开一个工作证明之类的。没工作也不用准备。



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华人网我19年7月递表格申请我太太过来,我太太人在中国,到现在20年1月份,我看到排期进度还是显示“无需排期”,请问我现在可以递交I-485吗? 评论 无需排期适用于受益人在美国境内。 ...



华人网请问塞班结婚的在美国本土算吗? 2001年在塞班和美国人结婚后就回国了.美国人也没申请当事人来美.但是现在老美已经再婚了.他都没有离婚就再婚了.老美说塞班结婚美国不承认的是吗 ...



华人网我校位于纽约法拉盛,成立20余年,是通过 NYS Education License, SEVP certified 以及CEA十年安全认证的语言学校(2019-2029)。可以发放出国学生签证所需的I-20表。 主要服务范围: 1)50个州转 ...



华人网请问现在持有IR5签证(父母团聚)是否可以直接进入美国?谢谢 评论 你好,请问你也是最近几天签证的吗?我也是申请父母 IR5签证 但是广州给了我父母 221g的进一步审查的单子,还不 ...



华人网大家好,请教个问题,我昨天试图从多伦多入境美国被拒绝了,他认为我的签证和我的目的不符合。但是我的B1、B2签证并没有被取消,事后我发现是我自己说话不清楚再加上边境人员理 ...



华人网1。 你不需要等到大学毕业再找工作。因为大学只收学费却不承诺你的未来。参加美军就是一个工作我们还帮你付学费直到你找到好工作再离开。2。美军保护你减少风险。在未来不够明 ...