潜水好久,看着论坛里的帖子DIY自己准备的结婚移民材料,简直受益良多。现碰到一个问题来请教Lucy或各路大神。F1准备转绿卡,4月份提交了结婚移民申请,真结婚。指模也打完了,收到了移民局的补交材料信。LG 2013, 2014两年工资收入报税单上总共14w,但2015年没有工作,收入只有几百块。银行存款12个月平均也只有几千。今年3月开始工作,每个月也有4000块。移民局的信是说担保人收入不足125%。要求补充材料。想请问,我以前是学生没有收入,但银行savings账户的12个月平均有6w的样子,可以做财力证明吗?
受益人的资产应该是可以用来做担保的。请看下面I-864 instruction 里的这段话:Item Numbers 6. - 9. Assets of the Intending Immigrant. You may use the assets of the intending immigrant regardless of where he or she resides. The intending immigrant must provide evidence of such assets with this affidavit. Add together Item Numbers 6. - 8. and enter the total number in Item Number 9. Form I-864A is not required to document the intending immigrant’s assets.如不对,请指正。
受益人的资产应该是可以用来做担保的。请看下面I-864 instruction 里的这段话:Item Numbers 6. - 9. Assets of the Intending Immigrant. You may use the assets of the intending immigrant regardless of where he or she resides. The intending immigrant must provide evidence of such assets with this affidavit. Add together Item Numbers 6. - 8. and enter the total number in Item Number 9. Form I-864A is not required to document the intending immigrant’s assets.如不对,请指正。 By 绿树和蓝天
谢谢了 我当时是请叔叔做了联合担保就通过了。没有用我的存款什么的,也给准备申请的人提个醒,收入不够想用存款证明的话一定要提前存。
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