加拿大华人论坛 美国留学移民刚收到移民局的回复,请大家帮我看看:是不是很
The status of this service request is:USCIS systems indicate that your case is awaiting an interview. You should be receiving this appointment notification from your local Field Office once they are able to schedule the appointment. If you need to expedite your case, you may contact your local USCIS Field Office.Address Changes: If you move, please provide us with an updated address. For more information about address changes, please visit our Web site at www.uscis.gov/ar-11, and click on "Change Your Address Online."For More Information: If you do not find the information you need through our online services and need further assistance, you may contact our National Customer Service Center at 1-800-375-5283 or 1-800-767-1833 (TDD for the hearing impaired).
背景调查材料审查等已经完成了,目前进入排队等待安排面谈。面谈时间由当地field office移民官的工作日程来定。如果在这期间搬家请在移民局网站上改变地址。如果想加急,请联系local field office。(这是套话,也就是说不要给移民局打电话催了,申请已经转到地方了。)
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