加拿大华人论坛 美国留学移民税问题,结婚绿卡2转10
Lucy and other readers,I received two yearsconditional green card in Brooklyn, NY, without cosponsor. Now it is the timeto file I-751 Petition to Remove Conditions on Residence.I-751 form instructionmentions “complete joint federal and state tax return”.1) For 2015: We have ORIGINAL married filingSEPARATELY federal (no state) tax return and transcript. We are working onAMENDED married filing JOINT federal (and state) tax return, but no time to gettranscript before submission date. Both show that income is HIGHER than minimumrequirement.2) For 2016: We haveORIGINAL married filing JOINT federal (no state) tax return andtranscript. We are working on AMENDEDmarried filing JOINT federal (and state) tax return, but no time to gettranscript . Both show that income is LOWER than minimum.3) For 2017, we have theapproved married filing joint tax extension letter. We are working on marriedfiling JOINT federal and state tax return, but no time to get transcript. Wecould discuss it with CPA if income number is LOWER than minimum.My question is that, we havetwo choices for each year tax files, which choice should we submit eventuallyfor each year?Sorry for the complexinformation. Many thanks.
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