加拿大华人论坛 美国汽车买卖2012 newest Christmascar use gift


2012 newest Christmascar use giftA car face can make your car speak stuff! Help you solve "the way anger disease". This is a very fun car expression lights, it can make your car full of expressions.Through the remote control can switch five different usb car gift expressions, increase a lot of fun and does not affect the driving.Fit it in the car on the rear window,then it can comply with your will in the course of driving. the most interesteing feature is you can design the expression by yourself,just use the a piece of usb line connnect the computer,then you become a designer,can edit whatever you want. It can be used in a bad traffic,to express your mood,and in the dark nigt,can make the rear car notice your car clear,and avoid tailgating. This set of equipment installation and removal is simple, and don't have to do with modification of the troublesome car, you as long as pack good battery, then"remote control" and "LED display dish" sucker with fixed to the proper place inside the car. Product introduction 1.The auto car face sign for installing in the back window of the vehicles.2.This LED light can display many message. 3.It can customized any expression by yourself. 4..Just connect to the computer,and then you can draw the expression what you like. 5.It is a new product, and it will have a big market in the near future. Product sizeInnerpackage box size:27*17.5*4.5mmSize for LED display:Radius=7.6cmSize of remote control:Radium=4cmWeight:370g AttentionLongest distance of remote control can reach as far as 10m,make sure that there are not obstructions between them when use the display light. Package contentsLED display bodyOne piece of remote controller2 pieces of sucker1 piece of instruction book1 piece of cigarette lighter1 piece of optical diskContact wayContact:Tsing ZhangQQ:1275401142 Skype: hbredison1

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