加拿大华人论坛 美国汽车买卖高端意大利豪车维修护理
本店是一家坐落在Laguna Hills(拉古娜)的意大利豪华轿车修车行。Our philosophy is simple, provide excellent customer service and quality repair in a timely manner.我们的宗旨是提供高品质高速度的服务为我们尊贵的豪车拥有者。We are an independent Italian owned repair shop located in Laguna Hills, California. We repair Lamborghini, Alfa Romeo, Maserati with a specialty in Ferrari.本车行是一家意大利个体私营店坐落在拉古娜,加利福尼亚。我们维护的车款有兰博基尼,阿尔法罗密欧,玛莎拉蒂,特别是专注在法拉利。All of our work is quaranteed to your satisfaction..您的满意是我们检验自己的最好标准..「Education and training are the basis for performing a repair successfully, although, after 30 years of experience on high performance cars, I’ve found that passion and excitement for what you do is what makes the difference.」Mondino先生来自意大利,也是主要维修工程师。他热爱他的职业!虽然他有著超过30年的豪华轿车维护经历,为了您能够更好的享受您与您的豪华轿车他仍然在不断的探索与学习。--Massimo Mondino想了解更多请访问 Italtechgt.com如需中文服务可拨打949-232-4711。
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