加拿大华人论坛 美国求职招聘途风旅游网招聘IT Project Coordinator with SEO Experien


途风旅游网(携程旗下) 招聘公司简介途风旅游,创立于2006年,是最早专注于海外目的地旅游的在线旅游网站。美国公司设在加利福尼亚州的洛杉矶,现有中文丶英文丶西班牙文三个网站。在目的地旅游细分市场中,途风从美洲开始深耕细作,凭藉丰富的旅游线路丶优质的服务丶可靠的行程品质丶透明实惠的价格在全球华人美洲旅游市场拥有良好的口碑和颇高的知名度,是国内现有的美洲旅游第一品牌。途风定位为「海外目的地旅游专家」,从美洲向欧洲丶澳新丶亚洲等区域市场快速扩张,向旅游者提供以目的地旅游为核心的全方位产品覆盖,包括目的地参团丶目的地活动丶定制包团丶门票丶酒店丶度假公寓丶接送服务及私人导游等旅游配套服务,同时针对个性化出游需求提供邮轮游丶小众游丶名校游丶购物游等特色旅游,已成功服务累计超过100万人次出游。2013年12月,中国最大的在线旅游公司携程对途风进行了战略投资,途风将藉助携程已有的良好技术和经营平台,以「华人海外旅游最有帮助的平台」为使命,为广大旅游者推出更加优质完善的海外目的地旅游服务,不断实践着「海外目的地旅游专家」角色。电话: 全年7x24小时无休为您服务[中国免费热线]: 086-400-635-6555[美加免费热线]: 1866-638-6888[国际热线]: 1-626-389-8666邮箱:[email protected]美国地址:1151 W. 5th Street, #N100, Azusa, CA, 91702中国地址:成都市高新区天府四街189号携程大厦B座10-11层途风旅游持续招聘,现邀请你的加入,共创旅游梦想。途风英文网www.tours4fun.com诚聘:Who We Are Tours4fun is a full-service, online tour and travel superstore offering a wide range of products and services geared toward intrepid travelers as well as those vacationing for the first time."We are in search of passionate traveler(s) who love to share their travel experiences and feels highly accomplished by helping and collaborating with their peer travelers"Project Coordinator with SEO ExperienceThe IT Project Coordinator is responsible for coordinating and assisting with all web development projects and requirements.General Accountabilities* Understand and analyze user(s) needs, write the product requirements based on the analysis, work alongside programmers to create web/mobile functions* Identify and document website bugs, work closely with programmer(s) to improve website usability/functionality* Coordinate with relevant teams as needed to ensure that goals are met* Monitor Google Analytics, Google Search Console, and other SEO tools daily to identify potential SEO issues.* Provide detailed SEO performance reports related to traffic, keyword ranking, and KPIs.* Help establish SEO processes for the digital marketing and content development teams.* Main internal/external point of contact for website related issues* Performs other duties as assigned or requestedSkills and Requirements1-2 years’ experience in IT (network implementation, support and troubleshooting) preferredMust have SEO ExperienceAssociate's degree or equivalent preferredProject management and planning skills requiredMust have the ability and skills in the areas of process improvement, analysis of information, reporting and problem solving skillsAdvanced level of Microsoft Applications is requiredMust be web savvy and have web design experienceFluent bilingual English/Mandarin skills preferredExcellent verbal and written communication skillsMust be able to work on multiple projects simultaneously, organize and manage time effectivelyOther Attributes that will help in this role:Experience with data visualization tools. Bonus points for programming language (PHP, MySQL) experience as well as familiarity with CMS platforms like WordPress, Joomla, and DrupalExperience with Google Analytics requiredFamiliarity with conversion rate optimization (CRO), landing page optimization, marketing automation, or search engine optimization (SEO) techniquesComfort with learning and discussing technical concepts related to web development and information systemsFamiliarity with HTML, CSS and JavaScriptComfortable working with ambiguous concepts and distilling them into sound deliverablesAs a Full Time member of the Tours4Fun Team we offer:Competitive Pay, with bonus opportunitiesPaid Holiday, Vacation and Sick TimeMedical, Dental and Vision Health Insurance and 401(k) Retirement Plan with Company Match ProgramTravel and Theme Park DiscountsA fun, collaborative environment that is adventurous and open-minded. Encouraged to learn and grow personally and professionally to assume greater responsibilities and career advancement Please email resume to [email protected] with job title in the email subject.类型 : 招聘性质 : 全职行业 : 电脑相关地点 : San Gabriel周边地区: Acadia, Alhambra, Rosemead, Monterey Park, San Gabriel, Pasadena, El Monte, Temple City, San Marino名称:途风旅游网 (携程旗下)联系人:HR Department邮箱:[email protected]类型 : 招聘性质 : 全职行业 : 电脑相关地点 : San Gabriel周边地区: Acadia, Alhambra, Rosemead, Monterey Park, San Gabriel, Pasadena, El Monte, Temple City, San Marino名称:途风旅游网 (携程旗下)联系人:HR Department邮箱:[email protected]类型 : 招聘性质 : 全职行业 : 电脑相关地点 : San Gabriel周边地区: Acadia, Alhambra, Rosemead, Monterey Park, San Gabriel, Pasadena, El Monte, Temple City, San Marino名称:途风旅游网 (携程旗下)联系人:HR Department邮箱:[email protected]类型 : 招聘性质 : 全职行业 : 电脑相关地点 : San Gabriel周边地区: Acadia, Alhambra, Rosemead, Monterey Park, San Gabriel, Pasadena, El Monte, Temple City, San Marino名称:途风旅游网 (携程旗下)联系人:HR Department邮箱:[email protected]类型 : 招聘性质 : 全职行业 : 电脑相关地点 : San Gabriel周边地区: Acadia, Alhambra, Rosemead, Monterey Park, San Gabriel, Pasadena, El Monte, Temple City, San Marino名称:途风旅游网 (携程旗下)联系人:HR Department邮箱:[email protected]

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