加拿大华人论坛 美国求职招聘在线教育初创公司 X
职位描述X-Path 技术总监职位职责:1丶制定X-Path未来App/网站/小程序整体开发计划。规划公司产品的技术架构,并组织实施;2丶全面负责公司技术团队的组建丶日常决策丶管理和运营工作,制定良好的技术开发体系,持续提升公司整体的技术能力;3丶深入发掘业务需求,研发业务相关后台算法及基础服务,沉淀技术积累;4丶负责技术攻关和创新技术引用,解决产品开发过程中的高性能,高并发和高可靠性问题。岗位要求:1丶3年以上工作经验;曾带领团队或独自开发过覆盖Android和iOS的且有业务后台的高性能App;2丶熟练掌握 java丶Android丶IOS丶HTML5丶数据库等技术;3丶熟悉常用的算法思想,熟悉设计模式,解决问题能力强;4丶良好的中英文听说读写能力。加分项:1丶有B2C丶B2B2C丶O2O丶B2B等在线教育和电商行业经验者优先;2丶有UI设计/Web前端开发经验;3丶有AI-深度学习相关项目背景。地点:上海或周边股权出让 8-13%我们看重:人品,技术,经验,团队意识,国际背景发送简历至[email protected]分享到Facebook公众号:XPathCKO有疑问也可添加个人微信:695645160,发送邀请请注明“洛杉矶华人”Description of the positionX-Path Technical Director (CTO)Job responsibilities:1. Develop an overall plan for X-Path’s future App/website/Mini program (on WeChat). Plan the technical structure of the company's products and organize their implementation;2. Fully responsible for the formation, daily decision-making, management and operation of the company's technical team, formulate a good technology development system, and continuously improve the company's overall technical capabilities;3. In-depth exploration of business needs, the responsible for R&D business-related back-end algorithms and basic services, and accumulation of precipitation technology.4. Responsible for technical research and innovative technology adaptation to solve high-performance, high-concurrency and high-reliability issues in product development.Job requirements:1. 3 years of work experiences; led a team or independently developed a high-performance app that covers Android and iOS with a business back-end;2. Proficient in java, Android, IOS, HTML5, database and other technologies;3. Familiar with common algorithm ideas, familiar with design patterns, and capable of solving problems;4. Good Chinese and English listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.Bonus:1. Experiences in Online education and e-commerce industry such as B2C, B2B2C, O2O, B2B are preferred;2. Experiences in UI design/Web front-end development;3. Project background in AI (Deep learning).Location: Shanghai or nearby areaEquity transfer: 8-13%We value: character, technology, experience, team awareness, and international backgroundSend resume [email protected] X-Path我们是X-Path,X-Path是一个在线国际职业教育平台,致力于通过内容本地化和AI 技术把全球最优质的职业教育资源引入非英语母语国家,打破语言障碍,让知识触达更多人,我们的第一站是中国。X-Path is an international vocational online education platform dedicated to introducing the world's best professional education resources into non-native English-speaking countries through content localization and AI technology, breaking language barriers so knowledge can reach more people. Our first stop is China.结合人才市场需求,我们引入全球领先职业教育课程,覆盖市场营销,设计,IT,管理 等多个领域,旨在帮助中国年轻一代的职场人士走在国际最前沿,职场最前沿,掌握职场和人生的主动权。Answering the demands of the talent market, we introduce the world's leading vocational education courses covering marketing, design, IT, management and other fields, aiming to help the younger generation of Chinese professionals to be at the forefront of the international arena, at the forefront of the workplace, and to take initiative in their workplace and life.与此同时,我们为20-35岁年轻职场人士量身打造“持续充电”的学习场景和社交场景,提供优质的且符合个人发展发向的职业规划和就业机会。At the same time, we tailored “continuous enrichment” learning scenarios and social scenes for young professionals to provide quality career planning and employment opportunities that are in line with personal development.
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