加拿大华人论坛 美国求职招聘机器人️搭建编程课程 周六日试课活动等你来!
SteamPower为了让更多孩子有机会了解STEM机器人课程,将于本周组织STEM Lego Education Robot机器人试课活动: 活动时间:请见下图课程时间 活动地点: @City of Industry :17520 Castleton St #207, City of Industry, CA, 91748. 报名选课链接:https://forms.gle/tyziw8upRgMMb8tJ6 PS:班级名额有限,请家长提前预约!参加试课请学生自备Laptop(Windows 7以上或Mac)。 小提示:试课需要学生带电脑或iPad上课,coach将教授一些简单编程。 所有班级都是小班制(包括试课),每节课最少是4个学生, 最多是10个学生。 如果有疑问,请直接扫码咨询! 同时,全优学院招募年满9周岁有一定机器人基础能力的学生参加我们的FLL战队!年满14周岁有一定技能和才艺(非限定于机械技能和编程技能)的学生参加我们的FRC战队! SteamPower would like to launch an exciting Robotics Program during 2019-2020 School Year. In this trial lesson, we will introduce SteamPower's program to parents/students and our instructor will lead a trial lesson for students to get hands-on and experience what a typical class will be like. This Trail class for students from ages 4-13 with an interest in computer science, engineering, robotics or anything tech to immerse themselves in awesome, fun technology workshops. We’ll start with a general Q&A panel with our Coach, then move on to the interactive hands-on workshops. Students will learn to crack a code in Mindstorms, build robots, explore robots, and much more.
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