加拿大华人论坛 美国生活信息德国Bemer微循环专业版
微循环正常功能-----健康关键 重磅新闻--- 最近,在德国柏林有400多名医生专家参加的医学会议上消息透露,有37位国际顶尖医学专家学者提名一项下届诺贝尔医学奖的发明-----Bemer微循环理疗仪,这一发明从而引起了全球注意。 美国NASA选用Bemer微循环理疗仪 会议还介绍,美国NASA国家宇航局经过2年多的时间,在全球200多个产品中,经过严格检验试验,最终选定德国Bemer微循环理疗仪作为太空人的健康理疗产品。 全球关注: 美国各大医院专家更是将这一Bemer治疗仪作为治疗患者的必备治疗仪。而在发明这一产品的德国,更是有10多万高端人士使用推崇,近700家医院丶私人诊所和医学研究机构使用。而在印度,微循环理疗仪刚进入的去年就销售10000多台,为数百万人解除疾病带来健康。 Q:为什么国际医学专家要推荐诺贝尔奖?能解决人体什么问题? A:用一位国际微循环专家的话说,这是截止目前全世界最好的现代医学人体科技治疗仪器。 德国医生专家现场说法 会议期间,德国医生Dr.Med介绍临床病例。 一个糖尿病患者,下肢坏死,经过德国各大医院专家确诊,必须截肢,原计划今年2016年1月做截肢手术。 在医生的建议下,糖尿病患者使用Bemer微循环理疗仪于2015年12月开始治疗。5个月后的痊愈. 这位德国医生在介绍后说道,“我相信,如果每个家庭有一台Bemer微循环理疗仪,80%的病人不需要去医院”。 另外一位德国专家介绍了使用Bemer微循环理疗仪治疗皮肤病的效果。据主治医生介绍,这位皮肤病患者多年,一直使用各种抗菌素消炎药等,但后来发展到使用任何药物都不起作用。在这种情况下用Bemer微循环理疗仪治疗,结果效果出乎意料。 免疫系统是您身体最好的防卫机制,好的微循环是强化您免疫系统的关键,让所有的养分有效地分配到您数10亿的细胞中!让您的细胞强化解毒!再也没有更好的时机让您的身体准备好来奋战即将到来的战役! BEMER使用8分钟之后,一颗一颗的白血球开始附著在血管壁上,这时白血球才能进行它该有的作用,吞噬病毒细菌、让身体恢复本来就具备的免疫能力。 BEMER是什么? BEMER Bio-Electro-Magnetic-Energy-Regulation生物电磁能量调理仪,通俗一点的名称是:微循环健康理疗仪,BEMER是德国医学科技加上瑞士精密手工而成,已经行销全球22年了,全球超过150万使用者。BEMER是唯一专为微循环系统计设的PEMF(脉冲电磁场)设备,并且拥有多项专利,这是可以产生具有独特波形及频率的磁场讯号,以自然非侵入性的方式,安全及有效将氧气和养分带进细胞里,同时排除废弃物及二氧化碳,进而改善全身的微循环系统及完全没有副作用,让身体达到最佳的健康状态。 BEMER不是用来医治你的身体,而是让你的身体恢复他自己的功能与运作,并启动身体的自愈能力。BEMER是提供给健康的人希望保持健康,以及让有健康需求的人们使用的。每天只要早晚各躺8分钟,就能拥有24小时完整的微循环保养,是非常值得各位选择的保健之道。BEMER改善您的循环、改善您的健康、改善您的生活! 对九大类疾病有效 ★各种慢性病风湿类风湿关节炎疼痛,腰肢间盘凸出 ★糖尿病 ★癌症 ★心脑血管疾病 ★急性白血病 ★骨折丶韧带断裂跟腱断裂术后康复丶手术后康复 ★延缓衰老 ★感冒 ★女性慢性病等 各种疾病的原因现代医学研究证明,像糖尿病丶癌症丶脑中风丶心肌梗塞等很多疾病,都是因为人体在很早以前微循环出了问题,不能有效排出毒素和输送营养物质,日积月累,在看不见的微循环地方血液基本是不流动或很缓慢很缓慢的流动,最终导致人体其他部分出现严重疾病。 为什么Bemer微循环理疗仪可以对人体九大类疾病有效果? 经过国际医学界多年研究证实,人体中血管组织中74%是由微循环组成,长度有10万公里,面积7000平方米。不过,人体自身血液却很难使得这些微回圈血管有效运行。所以,从根本上来说,Bemer微循环理疗仪其治疗原理是把人体内部的死角------几乎相当于2个足球场面积的微循环最末段血管组织清理打通完成排毒输送营养。 德国Bemer微循环理疗仪是在德国柏林国际微循环研究所领头人Rainer Klopp的带领下,经过15年的不懈的努力研究,数百所医院丶研究机构应用,证实了Bemer微循环理疗仪对微循环的作用。 每次8分钟,每天两次,给你健康活力青春 Bemer微循环理疗仪不但可以治疗各种疾病,而且更可作为日常保健,身体健康无疾病困扰,延长寿命。 想像一下,如果在家里有一台套Bemer微循环理疗仪,每天治疗两次,每次仅需8分钟,身体隐患全消,投资一次,全家享受健康,青春美丽常在,很划算。 医学奖提名 Bemer再次获得德国医学奖提名,颁奖日2017.11.25, Bemer公司成立19年来,除了获医学奖无数之外,最大的贡献,就是重新定义"微血管物理治疗“,自Bemer之后,微血管物理治疗被成承认为西医疗程一部分(全球微循环协会总监Fred Unrath) 请上网 WWW.YOUTUBE.COM, 键入 BEMER中文介绍 可以看到 视频介绍 特价优惠专案,请联络张先生( 626)839-8999 True Story---Health Magazine , Pregnancy This is Al and Lindsay Garcia from South Ogden, Ut. We would like to share our experience with the Bemer 3000 in hopes that it may help those in a similar situation. We'll start by giving you a little bit of our history. We have been married for 6 1/2 years. About 4 years ago, we decided it was time to start a family. Of course as kids, you are engrained with the idea that it comes naturally to anyone and everyone, but to us it didn 't. We tried faithfully for 3 years without success. After being told by specialists that we had very little chance of conceiving naturally, we decided to give in-vitro fertilization a shot. You can imagine our elation when we found out that not only were we pregnant, but we were expecting twins! At about 20 weeks, we were told that we were having a boy and a girl. Everything was absolutely perfect.The shopping and nesting began! Then came our 27 week ultrasound. We went in for a routine ultrasound and nothing could have prepared us for what we were told. They told us that our little boy, who was baby B, was not growing at the same pace as our little girl. She was 2 lbs. 3 oz. and he was only 1 lbs. 7 oz. The weight discrepancy at that stage of gestation is very large. They said that he will only continue to get comparitively much smaller as time goes on, until he's too small to survive. Through further doppler testing, they said that the reason he was not growing was that he was getting very insufficient blood flow through his umbilical cord from the placenta. They said that it was severe enough that if it were any worse at all, they would recommend taking our babies right then and admitting them to the NICU.They warned that if they took them at 27 weeks, they could face many mental and neurological issues. We were faced with a very tough decision, as we would hate to take our girl out who is thriving, but we would do anything to save our little boy. They told us that there was very little chance of it improving, but every week we could go would give our babies that much more of a chance. They told Lindsay to quit working and take it easy. They said that they would give it a week and then monitor Lindsay every 3 days and make sure that the blood flow isn't stopping or backing up. We immediatley called our parents. My dad said that he is working with a product right now that assists primarily with circulation, and that he had a strong feeling that we should try it out. It is called the Bemer 3000. Of course we were skeptical,but also felt that our backs were against the wall. Lindsay immediatley began doing Bemer treatments twice a day. You can imagine how scary every day was for us from this point on. We went back in for our appointment in 1 week, and the doctors were shocked. They said that they don't know how or why, but that there was a dramatic improvement in the blood flow of our boy. Of course, they attributed it to Lindsay staying home, but we didn't want to tell them what we were doing. Lindsay continued Bemer treatments througout the course of her pregnancy and both of our babies continued to grow and thrive. Each time, the doctors became less and less concerned as well as very confused as to why the sudden change. On July 11, 2008 at 37 1/2 weeks pregnant, Lindsay gave birth to our perfectly healthy and happy babies, Adalyn Belle 5 lbs. 10 oz.and Daysen Jeffery 4 lbs. 12 oz. Almost the same weight discrepancy as at 27 weeks! Neither of our babies needed special assistance of any kind. We are firm believers that the Bemer 3000 was instrumental in maintaining a healthy pregnancy. We were very blessed to be given the opportunity to try out the Bemer, and if our story only helps a couple of people, it's a story worth telling. Sincerely, Al and Lindsay Garcia
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