加拿大华人论坛 美国生活信息Cancer in my eyes! 我眼中的癌症!


American Deyutang Chinese Herbal Cancer Research Center. Cancer research expert Sun Deyu 美国德玉堂中草药肿瘤研究中心.肿瘤研究专家孙德玉 Clinically, cancer patients appear every day, and even communicate with cancer patients every day! Sometimes I am thinking about cancer. How should we know him? Unfortunately, what should we and our families do in the face of cancer? 在临床上,每天都有癌症患者的出现,甚至每天都要跟癌症患者沟通接触!有时候我在想癌症我们到底应该怎么去认识他呢?不幸,面对癌症我们及家属该怎么做? Mr. Liu, 58, is from China (Texas). In March 1998, he underwent surgery to clear bowel cancer, and received radiotherapy and chemotherapy. It really did torture for 7 years. Unexpectedly, he urinated again in October 2006 and a prostate cancer was found in a Texas hospital. At that time, the doctor said: "I will do further examination next week." The first aid learned that prostate cancer had transferred to the bladder. The doctor said: "Now surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy are useless." 58岁的刘先生,来自中国居住(德克萨斯州Texas)1998年3月因肠癌手术切除,又经放化疗,真是死去活来折磨7年之久。不料2006年10月又开始尿血,经德州医院检查,显示前列腺癌,当时医生说:「下星期来作进一步检查。」没想到当天下午6点钟,又发生小腹绞痛,经911送进医院急救,得知前列腺癌向膀胱转移。医生说:「现在手术及放、化疗都无大用。」 Mr. Liu of Texas said: In the face of death, I can only say what is useful for the treatment of cancer. I must try it. What bee therapy, thousands of wasps and bees sting all over the body. The body was hurt, red, swollen, and bleeding. It was really painful. There are also various therapies such as snake therapy, qigong, gods, ghosts, etc. All these therapies have been tried and the physical condition is getting worse. The money cost tens of thousands, and in less than three months at the hospital, one million of insurance was used up. Texas的刘先生自述:面临著死神,只能说什么对治癌有帮助我都要试一下,什么蜂疗、几千只黄蜂和蜜蜂在身上叮得全身是伤,红肿、流血水,实在痛苦难忍。还有蛇疗、气功、神灵、赶鬼等多种疗法,统统试尽,而且身体状况一天比一天差,钱花了几十万,一百万的保险在医院不到三个月也光了。 While fighting between life and death, my cousin came to see me from California and brought 2 courses of "Lingcao Baixiao Dan", and said that her colleague who took this product for breast cancer was exempted from surgery. After I listened to it, I took it immediately. After a course of treatment, my body became better day by day. After 6 courses, I recovered consciously. My friends said, "Hello, unlike cancer patients." After regular inspection every 3 months, I found The metastasis almost disappeared, and even the director of the oncology department couldn"t help but say, "There are really miracles!" My physical vitality is better than it was then. This letter expresses gratitude from my heart! Thank you "Lingcao Baixiao Dan" for saving my life and making me miraculously survive. Usually, once the cancer is diagnosed, Western medicine is to perform surgery and go to radiotherapy and chemotherapy, but the surgery will hurt the vitality or cause the cancer cells to accelerate metastasis. Radiotherapy and chemotherapy are like a "double-edged knife", which kills cancer cells and kills normal cells. . Therefore, "Lingcao Baixiao Dan" can cure cancer without surgery or radiotherapy and chemotherapy, it can"t be better. 正在生死搏斗之时,表妹从加州来看我,并带了2个疗程的「灵草百消丹」,并说她同事乳癌服用此产品竟免除手术等。我听后,马上服用,一疗程后身体就一天天好起来,6个疗程后,自觉恢复良好,朋友都说:「你好了,不像癌症患者。」之后每3个月定期检查,发现转移现象几乎消失,连肿瘤科主任也忍不住说:「真有奇迹出现!」我身体活力胜于当年。这封信是出自我内心的感激之情!感谢「灵草百消丹」挽救了我的生命,让我奇迹般的活了下来。 通常癌症一经确诊,西医就是做手术和去放化疗,但是手术会大伤元气或造成癌细胞加速转移,放化疗又像一把「双刃刀」,在杀伤癌细胞的同时也杀了正常细胞。所以《灵草百消丹》既不用手术又不用放化疗就治好癌症,那是再好不过了 Deyutang Chinese Herbal Cancer Research Center in Los Angeles. Oncologist Professor Sun Deyu (Chinese American) with more than 40 years of clinical experience has developed "Lingcao Baixiao Dan" refined from pure natural Chinese medicine, which can make cancer cells lack nutrition and wither. Death, healthy growth of normal cells and improvement of disease resistance, there are more than 20 series, you can choose according to different tumors, especially for breast cancer, liver cancer, stomach cancer, lung cancer, lymphoma, brain cancer, uterine cancer, ovarian Cancer, etc. The effect is usually significant within 2-3 weeks, and the statistical efficiency exceeds 90%. It can quickly and effectively improve the symptoms of cancer patients who are not suitable for radiotherapy and chemotherapy, high-risk cancer populations, middle-aged and elderly people, and cancer patients with low immune function. In 1996, "American Lingcao Bai Xiaodan" won the Canada World Health Products Gold Cup Award. The product has not been promoted by word of mouth. It is used to treat countless cancer patients from the United States, China, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Canada, Mexico and other places. In order to facilitate patients from various countries, a remote video will be opened. Professor Sun Deyu personally free consultation and consultation. 位于洛杉矶的美国德玉堂中草药肿瘤研究中心.四十多年临床经验肿瘤研究专家孙德玉教授(美籍华裔)研发纯天然中药中提练的《灵草百消丹》可使癌细胞缺乏营养而枯萎死亡,使正常细胞健康生长,提高抗病能力,有20多种系列,可根据不同肿瘤对症选择,特别对乳房癌、肝癌、胃癌、肺癌、淋巴癌、脑癌、子宫癌、卵巢癌等有显著作用,一般2-3周就有显著效果,经统计有效率达90%以上。对不适合放化疗的肿瘤患者、癌症高危险群、中老年及免疫功能低下者,能快速、有效改善症状。1996年「美国灵草百消丹」就获得了加拿大世界保健品金杯奖。该产品没有宣传都是口碑传播.为来自美国本土.中国.台湾.新加坡.马来西亚.印尼.加拿大.墨西哥等无数癌症患者治愈.为方便各国患者即将开通远程视频孙德玉教授亲自免费咨询会诊. We are preparing for "California Cancer Rehabilitation Club" Los Angeles four seasons like spring. The sunshine is a preferred place for immigrants to the United States. To provide a treatment for cancer patients. Dating. Etc. activities. It is the patients to restore health and happiness as soon as possible. U.S. Inquiries: 1 (626) 559-8889 WeChat: usla2013 Email: [email protected] Address: 10042 Garvey Ave., El Monte, CA 91733 《加州癌症康复俱乐部》在筹备中.洛杉矶四季如春.阳光灿烂是移民美国的人首选的一个地方.给癌症患者提供一个治疗.交友.等活动.是患者早日恢复健康快乐. 美国咨询电话:1(626)559-8889 微信:usla2013 邮箱:[email protected] 地址: 10042 Garvey Ave., El Monte, CA 91733 ,


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