加拿大华人论坛 美国生活信息赴美生子孕妈妈要知道:入美海关必知英文!
一丶海关 Q1:May I see your passport, please? (请出示护照) A1: Here is my passport and the declaration form. (这是我的护照和申报单) Q2: Where are you from?(你是哪里人) / Where do you come from? (你从哪里来?) A2: I am from Shanghai 提醒:"Where are you coming from?"(你是从哪里出发的)则是不同的问题,是问你上个搭飞机来的出发地是哪里,多见于有转机入境的情形。比如从上海出发,日本东京转机,洛杉矶入境,面对洛杉矶海关这个问题,应该回答 I'mcoming from Japan/Tokyo. Q3: What is your final destination? (你本行最后目的地在哪?) 多在转机时被问。 A3: I am going to ———(地方名). / I'm gonnatransfer to ———(地方名). Q4: What's the purpose of your visit? (你来美国的目的是什么) / Why are you here?(你为什么来美国) A4: I'm on a trip. / I'm on vacation. (我来旅游度假) / Travel. / Sightseeing.(观光,有点不自然但海关会懂。) ? I'm here to visit my friends/family. (我来拜访亲友的。请用 "visit",别说"find",否则像是要找失踪人口) ? I'm on a business trip. / I'm here for business. (我来出差/做生意/商务旅行) ? I'm here for school. / I'm here to study. (我来念书的) ? I'm here to work. (我来工作的) Q5:How long are you planning to stay? / How long will you stay? A5: 你预计要停留的时间。 Q6: Where will you be staying? / Whose address is this?你会住哪里? / 这是谁的地址?(搭机前,地勤都会先输入你呈报的在美地址) A6: I will stay at my friend's place. / I will staywith my family.(我会住我朋友家/我会跟家人住一起) I will stay at the hotel / Airbnb / B&B. (我会住旅馆 / Airbnb / B&B) 提醒:注意 stay 和 live 的差别,stay 指短期居留,live则有长住之意。有时海关会要求提供住宿证明,建议把相关文件列印出来准备好(订房证明之类的),让海关知道你没有跳机意图,或至少要找你的时候有地方可循。 Q7: Are you bringing any food with you? (你有带食物吗) A7: 请据实回答 Yes/No。 Q8: How much cash are you carrying with you? (你身上带多少现金) A8: I have ______(金额) dollars cash. (超过1万美元上限记得申报) 其他可能会问的问题 Q1:What do you do for a living? What is your occupation? (你的工作是什么) -就回答职业名称 Q2:What company do you work for? (你在哪间公司上班) - 回答公司名之外,还可以报上地名 Q3: What does your company do? (你们公司在做什么的) Q4: What do you do in the company? (你在公司里做什么工作) 二丶按指纹 如果你的个人资料没什么问题,在边问话的过程中,海关人员就会要你按压指纹丶照相。顺序依次是: - right four fingers (右手四指) - right thumb (右手大拇指) - left four fingers (左手四指) - left thumb (左手大拇指) - look at the camera (看镜头照相) 三丶查验行李 Q1: What's in here? What do you have in thebag/luggage? (你的行李里面有什么) A1: My clothes,(我的衣服) Q2: Do you have anything to declare? (你有东西要申报吗) A2: No, nothing. (没有) / Yes, I have filled out the formaccordingly.(有,我已经填好申报表了) 想了解去美国生孩子政策丶签证丶报价等相关信息,欢迎添加微信15011335079或mgsz6688获取!
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