加拿大华人论坛 美国生活信息添嗣无忧 一个代孕妈妈的心路历程
随着试管技术的广泛应用,第三方辅助生殖市场日趋成熟,越来越多的人选择通过购买这项服务来实现父母梦。目前主流合法商业DY国家包括美国,俄罗斯,格鲁吉亚,乌克兰等。其中未婚合法的有美国,格鲁吉亚。两国皆为三代试管技术,可以鉴定胚胎性别,筛查遗传病。价格上,格鲁吉亚为美国四分之一。 这两年,随着经济的提高,越来越多不孕夫妻和单身人士前往格鲁吉亚实现自己的父母梦。在格鲁吉亚,试管助孕已经成为国家一项重要经济来源。解决了几千名供卵女性和代孕妈妈的就业问题,甚至毫不夸张的说改变了她们的人生。我们 New-Born 添嗣无忧的当地员工采访了几位孕母妈妈,并把她们的格鲁吉亚访谈记录成英文发给了小编。 今天, 让我们一起走进其中一位的内心世界。(真实姓名,照片已隐藏) Last Nov, Marry 34, from Tbilisi, gave birth to her sixth child. She is the mother of two sons. She also has served as a surrogate mother three times, giving birth to six babies, including one set of twins, for people who could not do so on their own. 去年11月,来自第比利斯的34岁的Marry生下了她的第六个孩子。她是两个儿子的母亲,还曾3次担任代孕母亲,帮助那些不能自己生孩子的人。六个孩子中,还包括一对双胞胎。 One mother was infertile. Another mother who has multiple sclerosis was told a third pregnancy would not be safe. A gay couple yearned to become parents. 她帮助过的三位客户中。一位母亲不孕。另一位患有多发性硬化症的母亲被告知第三次怀孕是不安全的。还有一对同志爱人。 The most recent birth was a little boy named Jia, who was born NOV 18 at Tbilisi Hospital. In this surrogacy, an egg from a donor was fertilized in vitro — in a test tube — with the father’s sperm and then implanted in Marry’ uterus. The unmarried father lives in Chengdu with his partner. He was present for the birth, dressed in a fasion suit. “It was kind of adorable,” Marry says. 最近的出生是一个叫佳的小男孩,他于11月18日在第比利斯的医院出生。在代孕中,将供体的卵与父亲的精子一起在试管中体外受精,然后植入到Marry的子宫。未婚爸爸和男友生活在成都。他穿着时髦的衣服陪着我分娩,这很可爱。Marry说。 “This is nothing,” she said a few weeks before delivery last Nov. “After you have twins, then one is relatively easy. Crazy, right?” she continued, as she stroked her abdomen, laughing at a kick, feeling a tiny foot or elbow beneath her smock。 “没什么,”她在去年生产前几周说道。“双胞胎出生后(Marry为之前的夫妻生了一对双胞胎),单胎变得相对容易。疯狂吧?她继续抚摸腹部,大笑着,感到衣服下有一只小脚或肘部。 “I enjoy every pregnancy, even though none of my pregnancies have been completely a breeze,” she said. But the inconveniences were minor, she added, particularly "compared to life and giving life. In the end a baby is born.” 她说:“即使我的怀孕都不是一件轻而易举的事,我仍然享受每一次怀孕。”她补充说,带来的不便很小,特别是与给予生命相比,最终孩子会来到这个世界。” Marry is divorced, but her former husband was supportive of the pregnancies, she says. She is quick to note that surrogacy has an impact on the entire family. Marry说,她已离婚,但她的前夫支持她为他人怀孕。她很快注意到代孕对整个家庭都有影响。 Joy ,marry's first son, was excited about her most recent pregnancy from the beginning, and decided that it was his job to keep the baby healthy. “He sings and reads to my belly,” she said last spring. When the two went to the library, Joy asked to find the travel section. He told his mom that he needed a book about Chengdu China "so I can tell this kid where he’s going.” Marry的长子乔伊(Joy)从一开始就对她最近的怀孕感到兴奋,觉得保持婴儿的健康是他的工作。“他对着我的肚子唱歌念书,”。当两个人去图书馆时,Joy要求找到旅行类书籍。他告诉妈妈,他需要一本关于中国成都的书,“所以我可以告诉这个孩子他要去哪里。” “He’s telling my belly that hot pot’s OK,” Marry said, and that the airplane trip would also be OK. He never asked to keep the baby, she said, but did ask for another they could keep. 他告诉我的肚子火锅可以,飞机旅行也会顺利。Marry说,他从未要求保留婴儿,但确实要求保留下一个婴儿。 Last year’s pregnancy gave Marry time to be home with Joy, and also helped with a down payment for a house. Being a surrogate has changed my life. Marry said. I was unhappy in the marriage but i was afraid to get a divorce. It is embrassed that I could not afford living with my kids. But being a surrogate I received good money. Now I even bought my own house. I know I will have a great life with my children. 去年的怀孕使Marry有时间与Joy在一起,劳务费用帮助他们支付了房子定金。做代孕妈妈确实改变了生活。Marry说。我曾在不幸福的婚姻,但我恐惧离婚因为很难养活两个孩子。但是做孕母,我得到了不错的薪水,我可以拥有自己的房子。相信我会和孩子们过的幸福。 “A lot of women can’t fathom why a woman would carry a baby and give birth and not keep it. They ask, ‘Do you get sad?’ It’s not about the loss of the baby; I’m just giving back something that they trusted me to carry.” 很多女人不能理解为什么一个女人去怀一个不属于自己的孩子。不会悲伤吗?其实这并不是失去孩子,而是归还给他们,因信任而让我怀胎的孩子。
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