加拿大华人论坛 加拿大房产退休以后,仍需缴纳房产税吗?



回复: 退休以后,仍需缴纳房产税吗?退休以后,突然变成了低收入者,房产税变成了一项沉重的负担,根据加国的税收政策,对于像退休人士的低收入者是否可以减免?点击展开...65岁以上交c类的价格,大概是少几百块

人生不过是行走的影子回复: 退休以后,仍需缴纳房产税吗?是一年少几百块吗?我家有2处房屋,是否都可以按照c类的价格交纳?


回复: 退休以后,仍需缴纳房产税吗?可以不交,等卖房子或者房子成为遗产时把欠的税收连本带利交还给政府。


回复: 退休以后,仍需缴纳房产税吗?Ontario Property Tax Relief for Low-Income Seniors and Low-Income Persons with Disabilities http://www.fin.gov.on.ca/english/publications/bulletins/frost_9907.html Low-income seniors and low-income persons with disabilities who own residential property may be eligible to receive relief from property tax increases that resulted from assessment reform. Under the Ontario Fair Assessment System (under section 373 of the Municipal Act), municipalities are required to defer or cancel property taxes or provide other relief in respect of tax increases resulting from assessment reform on residential properties owned by low-income seniors, low-income persons with disabilities, or their spouses. Municipalities have the flexibility to determine the amount of tax relief and the form of relief, and they are responsible for determining who will be eligible for relief.

回复: 退休以后,仍需缴纳房产税吗?Ontario Property Tax Relief for Low-Income Seniors and Low-Income Persons with Disabilities http://www.fin.gov.on.ca/english/publications/bulletins/frost_9907.html Low-income seniors and low-income persons with disabilities who own residential property may be eligible to receive relief from property tax increases that resulted from assessment reform. Under the Ontario Fair Assessment System (under section 373 of the Municipal Act), municipalities are required to defer or cancel property taxes or provide other relief in respect of tax increases resulting from assessment reform on residential properties owned by low-income seniors, low-income persons with disabilities, or their spouses. Municipalities have the flexibility to determine the amount of tax relief and the form of relief, and they are responsible for determining who will be eligible for relief.点击展开...

回复: 退休以后,仍需缴纳房产税吗?可以不交,等卖房子或者房子成为遗产时把欠的税收连本带利交还给政府。点击展开...你就乱淘气吧

人生不过是行走的影子你就乱淘气吧点击展开...Seniors' Guide Housing - Property Tax Deferment Homeowners aged 60 years and over may defer the payment of annual property taxes on their principal residence. The Property Tax Deferment Program is a low interest loan program that assists qualified British Columbia homeowners in paying the annual property taxes on their home.The deferred taxes are paid by the Province to the taxing authority (municipality or provincial collector), on behalf of the homeowner. The deferred taxes must be repaid with interest and an administration fee to the Province, either:Before the home can be transferred to a new owner, other than to a surviving spouse; or Upon the homeowner’s death, with repayment through their estate. The program is also available to homeowners of any age who are surviving spouses, or who meet the definition of a person with disabilities, in the Disability Benefits Program Act.For more information on the Property Tax Deferment program, including other eligibility criteria for the program, contact the local government office or government agent office where you pay your property taxes. Or call the following number.Victoria 250 387-0555Real Property Taxation BranchTax Deferment SectionMinistry of Small Business and RevenuePO Box 9446 STN PROV GOVTVictoria, B.C. V8W 9V6http://www.cserv.gov.bc.ca/seniors/guide/Housing/property_tax_deferment.htm

http://www.canadameet.comSeniors' Guide Housing - Property Tax Deferment Homeowners aged 60 years and over may defer the payment of annual property taxes on their principal residence. The Property Tax Deferment Program is a low interest loan program that assists qualified British Columbia homeowners in paying the annual property taxes on their home. The deferred taxes are paid by the Province to the taxing authority (municipality or provincial collector), on behalf of the homeowner. The deferred taxes must be repaid with interest and an administration fee to the Province, either:Before the home can be transferred to a new owner, other than to a surviving spouse; or Upon the homeowner’s death, with repayment through their estate. The program is also available to homeowners of any age who are surviving spouses, or who meet the definition of a person with disabilities, in the Disability Benefits Program Act. For more information on the Property Tax Deferment program, including other eligibility criteria for the program, contact the local government office or government agent office where you pay your property taxes. Or call the following number.Victoria 250 387-0555Real Property Taxation BranchTax Deferment SectionMinistry of Small Business and RevenuePO Box 9446 STN PROV GOVTVictoria, B.C. V8W 9V6http://www.cserv.gov.bc.ca/seniors/guide/Housing/property_tax_deferment.htm点击展开...我们倒按偈,更加干脆


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