加拿大华人论坛 加拿大房产浴室漏水 华人告验房师失职索赔
新闻:《浴室漏水 华人告验房师失职索赔》的相关评论所购房屋漏水之夜后,由承建商工人凿开,至今仍未修补的墙板 大量漏水当时自该洞上方流出,把木楼梯地板浸湿 验屋师以中英文写下天花板有漏水污渍字样。下面方格处显示,验屋师给该房点击展开...看看是那个管工安装的,那个公司建的!烟雾师验房都验什么呀!
来到这个二手国家,住在租来的二手房里,开着买来的二手车,也许将来能买一套属于自己的二手房,呼吸这新鲜的空气,吃着工厂生产的东西,额真快乐。回复: 浴室漏水 华人告验房师失职索赔According to my experience, it's better to take a through house inspection by yourself as none of those so called pros will be able to tell any problems from the surface of the house anyway. Just like what the contract is written, the inspection doesn't include any hidden problems inside the wall or board, well, if they don't have the ways to check water,gas pipes, and electric wires, then what they are inspecting, I don't get it. I strongly believe that Ms. Wang should take actions to protect herself. Don't let those irresponsible house inspectors get away with that!!!
回复: 浴室漏水 华人告验房师失职索赔新闻:《浴室漏水 华人告验房师失职索赔》的相关评论看看是那个管工安装的,那个公司建的! 烟雾师验房都验什么呀!点击展开...这么严重的问题,自己都看到了!
法语----没落的贵族14岁儿子话语 被别人投诉虐待宠物的事还真给我碰上了 登陆两月,可怜的老公衣带渐宽!http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=274566http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=379637回复: 浴室漏水 华人告验房师失职索赔我也后悔请验屋,花了四百大元, 就验出两个插座没电, 住进来一个星期就浴室漏水,后来是我经纪找人帮我整好了, 经纪出的钱以后再买房,就自己看, 他也不过就是那么看看, 我都学会了
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