加拿大华人论坛 加拿大房产你的土地产权


不看不知道,花了成千上万的银子买的房子,土地产权最终的拥有者不是俺们,是远在千里之外的女王她老人家Crown is the owner of the land, what we have is the fee simple estate give us the right to use or sell the land...

回复: 你的土地产权不看不知道,花了成千上万的银子买的房子,土地产权最终的拥有者不是俺们,是远在千里之外的女王她老人家Crown is the owner of the land, what we have is the fee simple estate give us the right to use or sell the land...点击展开...我的理解,大多数人说的所谓的土地产权应该是永久性的使用权吧? 使用权即使是永久的,和拥有性质上还是不一样的。比如某老移买了台彩电,他就是彩电的拥有者。如果哪天他心系国内贫困民众,把这台彩电捐献给贫困地区,没人能否定他有这种权力; 但如果他在加拿大买了一块,他其实并没有“买”下这块地,而是买下了这块地用于某特定用途的永久使用权。打个比方说,如果哪天他爱国心高涨想把这块地捐献给PLA做军事基地,肯定不行。实际上他想把自己的house扒了改成公厕方便加拿大人民,未经过某些政府部门批准都不行。因为他只有使用权,没有所有权,无权擅自改变土地的用途。

移民科幻小说《种秧帝国崛起之后》弘扬主旋律传播正能量的饥饿游戏版《红旗颂》回复: 你的土地产权好象听说自己砍自己家门口的树,都要向政府申请的.

回复: 你的土地产权不看不知道,花了成千上万的银子买的房子,土地产权最终的拥有者不是俺们,是远在千里之外的女王她老人家Crown is the owner of the land, what we have is the fee simple estate give us the right to use or sell the land...点击展开...别吓死人了 ! here the "Crown" means the government, not the Queen.see the following 房地产专业术语解释:A fee simple or freehold estate is what we ordinarily think of as ownership of real property. A fee simple owner hasmore rights over his or her land than any other owner. Originally, the word "fee" meant that the estate could be inheritedand the word "simple" meant that there was no qualification on the type of heir who could inherit. In other words, theowner could leave the fee to his or her heirs in a will. If the owner did not leave a will, the fee would go to the owner'sheir, the closest blood relative who would be entitled to inherit the real property.A fee simple is also known as a freehold estate. Originally, this meant that the land was held by a free tenant and couldbe held for an unlimited period of time. Even today, if the "owner" of a fee simple estate pays the taxes and otherassessments, he or she may deal with the property in any way he or she wants (subject to certain legislative restrictions).The owner may leave it to others through a will or, if the owner leaves no will, the laws of each province will decidehow the property will be divided among the heirs after the owner's death. If no will is made and no heirs can be traced,the property will "escheat" or revert back to the Crown (i.e., the government).You will become used to such terms as "fee simple" and "freehold estate" as youencounter the forms used in British Columbia to transfer ownership in land. Thedocument is called a "Freehold transfer" and transfers the "fee simple" from thevendor to the purchaser.source from: UBC Real Estate Trading Services courses

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