加拿大华人论坛 加拿大房产Ville de Montreal is robbery your money without discussion


From 2011 all property tax will increase 20-50% in Montreal.I have few rental buildings in montreal. All of buildings evaluation cost increased 20-50% of value from 2011.I am sure the montreal house market will drop from this winter. The government squeezes all profit from the hard working landlords to save their ass without discussion. They don’t provide good inverstment environment here. Money will go to other place which will make sense. If all money goes away from montreal,who will pay the high tax to create the job offers. I am not against increase the tax but not that fast and that huge. From other hand you only can increase 2-5% of the rent by year.Nobody is stupid,In this circumstance no landlord will renovate the building and keep their building in good shape . Montreal is more and more like commonist city.Money will leave here and serching for better place .This is bad situation for everybody.the living expense will be much higher than now.The rent,food,everything.Since they squeez the profit from business people and them will transfer all the expense to their tenants,employes and customers. Who bought your properties at high price in this year will pay for it. Life is getting harder and harder. Small business will not survive only monopoly big company will get more profit from bankruptcy of small ones. Rich get richer and poor get poorer. This winter will be good time to buy properties.Prepare your money and wait the price to drop and you will get very good bargain price or sell your properties as soon as possible to get better price from now on.

montreal house market will fall from this monthWe need better goverment!

回复: Ville de Montreal is robbery your money without discussionIs that true?where can I find out those information of raising housing tax?

回复: Ville de Montreal is robbery your money without discussionhttp://evalweb.cum.qc.ca/after you should write your street name in it,chose your area,find your house number.

回复: Ville de Montreal is robbery your money without discussioncheck your 2011 municipal tax before you buying any properties.The listing agent give you that is 2010.After you find out how much tax you gonna pay then decide to buy or not.

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