加拿大华人论坛 加拿大房产多伦多公寓租金怎么差别这么大的呀?
我们一家三口准备明年登陆,想租公寓。但查一下,差别大的很,不知何种价格才是正常的,请各位知道的建议一下: <1>这是我在www.247apartments.com 搜的高层公寓最便宜价:2 bedroom1.5 bathroom $750.00 Please Call 3 bedroom2 bathroom $850.00 Please Call <2>华人出租(http://www.powertoronto.com)1房1厅,也要1280刀.
回复: 多伦多公寓租金怎么差别这么大的呀?It all depends on location
第一代移民,只求稳定,不图发展移民故事,生活历程自己动手,美化家居望子成龙,子女培养It all depends on location点击展开...是这样的。治安差,环境差的地段特别便宜,但住下来对自己对孩子都不好;好区的租金就高。有几条街的公寓,最好别租。JANE,KEELE沿线,黑人老巢;LAWRENCE从VICTORIA PARK 往东沿线,黑人、阿差多;Victoria Park从sheppard 往南沿线,公寓多,阿差为主。MACOWAN以东的公寓租的时候多跑几家,看的时候注意一下进出者的气质如何。GOOD LUCK!
回复: 多伦多公寓租金怎么差别这么大的呀?是这样的。 治安差,环境差的地段特别便宜,但住下来对自己对孩子都不好;好区的租金就高。 有几条街的公寓,最好别租。 JANE,KEELE沿线,黑人老巢; LAWRENCE从VICTORIA PARK 往东沿线,黑人、阿差多; Victoria Park从sheppard 往南沿线,公寓多,阿差为主。 MACOWAN以东的公寓 租的时候多跑几家,看的时候注意一下进出者的气质如何。 GOOD LUCK!点击展开... 谢谢,我在网上看到的便宜房,好象都是您所说的区。1000左右房租,能租到好的两房一厅吗? 我应选择哪个区呀?
回复: 多伦多公寓租金怎么差别这么大的呀?http://www.parkproperty.ca/show-listing.cfm?id=0B0C0B如果不能看上述链接,可以看下面的内容:Bachelor Apartment from $750 available One Bedroom Apartment from $895 available Two Bedroom Apartment from $1025 available Three Bedroom Apartment from $1285 available联系方式是:10, 40 & 50 Carabob Courtat Birchmount and Sheppard416-754-8523靠近沃尔玛,历史悠久的图书馆,西人食品超市NO FRILLS,综合性SHOPPING MALL,华人超市,公交车站(这些地方走路就可以到)公寓华人比例应该在80%或以上(自己没有住过,但是有几位客户曾经住过),性价比应该比较好。注意,20号和30号 Carabob Court和它们在一起,但是属于别的物业公司,差佬多些,总体情况不如10,40和50号。还可以看看这个,南北朝向的。价格稍微便宜一点点。http://www.mandrholdings.com/properties.php?Name=Bay_Mills_PlaceBright, spacious suites in a convenient location Rental Office: 375 Bay Mills Blvd. - (416) 298-8922 Office Hours: 8:00am to 8:00 pm - Monday to Friday 10:00am to 4:00 pm Saturday 12:00 p.m. to 4:00 pm Sunday Contact Us: [email protected] Suite Types Monthly Rental "Starting From" Floor Plans Bachelor $795 1 Bedroom $925 Type 1 - Type 2 2 Bedroom $995 Type 1-Type 2-Type 3 3 Bedroom $1,295 Type 1 Indoor Parking $60 Discounts Available Outdoor Parking $50 on some Suites Prices Subject to ChangeSuite Amenities Spacious private balconies / patios Appliances included: Frost-free refrigerator and stove Oversized kitchen and breakfast nook Cable and internet ready Double Sinks Door to door mail delivery Newly redecorated Parquet Flooring Building Amenities Utilities Included: Heating, Hydro, and WaterHeated inside parkingNew Modern elevatorsVideo-controlled lobbyPersonalized control access to buildingNew groundfloor laundry facilitiesLandscaped grounds Community Features Excellent location Access to 401 Across from all season golf course Close to senior centre Across from community centre, and arena距离刚才说的那个地方大概5分钟走路时间。
回复: 多伦多公寓租金怎么差别这么大的呀?http://www.parkproperty.ca/show-listing.cfm?id=0B0C0B 如果不能看上述链接,可以看下面的内容: Bachelor Apartmentfrom $750available One Bedroom Apartmentfrom $895available Two Bedroom Apartmentfrom $1025available Three Bedroom Apartmentfrom $1285available 联系方式是: 10, 40 & 50 Carabob Courtat Birchmount and Sheppard416-754-8523 靠近沃尔玛,历史悠久的图书馆,西人食品超市NO FRILLS,综合性SHOPPING MALL,华人超市,公交车站(这些地方走路就可以到) 公寓华人比例应该在80%或以上(自己没有住过,但是有几位客户曾经住过),性价比应该比较好。 注意,20号和30号 Carabob Court和它们在一起,但是属于别的物业公司,差佬多些,总体情况不如10,40和50号。 还可以看看这个,南北朝向的。价格稍微便宜一点点。http://www.mandrholdings.com/properties.php?Name=Bay_Mills_Place Bright, spacious suites in a convenient location Rental Office: 375 Bay Mills Blvd. - (416) 298-8922 Office Hours: 8:00am to 8:00 pm - Monday to Friday10:00am to 4:00 pm Saturday12:00 p.m. to 4:00 pm Sunday Contact Us: [email protected] Suite Types Monthly Rental"Starting From" Floor Plans Bachelor $795 1 Bedroom $925 Type 1 - Type 2 2 Bedroom $995 Type 1-Type 2-Type 3 3 Bedroom $1,295 Type 1 Indoor Parking $60 Discounts Available Outdoor Parking $50 on some Suites Prices Subject to ChangeSuite Amenities Spacious private balconies / patios Appliances included: Frost-free refrigerator and stove Oversized kitchen and breakfast nook Cable and internet ready Double Sinks Door to door mail delivery Newly redecorated Parquet FlooringBuilding Amenities Utilities Included: Heating, Hydro, and WaterHeated inside parkingNew Modern elevatorsVideo-controlled lobbyPersonalized control access to buildingNew groundfloor laundry facilitiesLandscaped groundsCommunity Features Excellent location Access to 401 Across from all season golf course Close to senior centre Across from community centre, and arena距离刚才说的那个地方大概5分钟走路时间。点击展开... 个人觉得2360 Birchmount Road比较不错,850的one bedroom,950 two bedrooms, parking $33 undergound,$25 outside,而且还有Daycare
回复: 多伦多公寓租金怎么差别这么大的呀?个人觉得2360 Birchmount Road比较不错,850的one bedroom,950 two bedrooms, parking $33 undergound,$25 outside,而且还有Daycare 点击展开...可以考虑。25 bay mills blvd.是这片唯一有中央空调的,现在多伦多夏天越来越热,也可以考虑一下。http://www.capreit.net/Properties/Ontario/Toronto/Bay_Mills.aspx Well-located in a great Scarborough neighbourhood, we share our area with wonderful restaurants and shops. Our family-focused building and personable staff celebrate various occasions with parties for all residents and their families. Enjoy swimming with your family in our outdoor pool or play a game of tennis with your neighbours or cool down in our spacious air-conditioned suites. With the 401 minutes away from the building, this property is an ideal place to call home. Call Now: (416) 293-0924 1 Bedroom Starting From: $1,031 Available as early as: Oct 01, 2010 2 Bedroom Starting From: $1,132 Available as early as: immediate此外,不太推荐SHEPPARD/DON MILLS一带的公寓,因为举步到地铁,所以附近什么人都有,三教九流,鱼龙混杂。
回复: 多伦多公寓租金怎么差别这么大的呀?此外,不太推荐SHEPPARD/DON MILLS一带的公寓,因为举步到地铁,所以附近什么人都有,三教九流,鱼龙混杂。 得看是哪栋公寓
不知道签些啥子,所以就签了这个回复: 多伦多公寓租金怎么差别这么大的呀?谢谢大家了。看来还是要实地看看才行。不过,现在知道1000刀左右是能租到较好的公寓,心里有底了。
回复: 多伦多公寓租金怎么差别这么大的呀?谢谢大家了。看来还是要实地看看才行。不过,现在知道1000刀左右是能租到较好的公寓,心里有底了。点击展开...提醒一下LZ,许多公寓需要提供雇主信和信用状况调查,LZ可以提前给他们发邮件,咨询一下有无变通办法。
回复: 多伦多公寓租金怎么差别这么大的呀?有没有700-800house2层那种啊?就是独立卫生间,不是地库。那要怎么找呢?我们也差不多明年初登陆
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多伦多安居互助群:58591466。欢迎各位即将登陆或者已经登陆的朋友加入。lz可以先在网上找家庭旅馆,可以预先预订几天也可以找这边的朋友预定一周,如果经济状况允许的话,到了之后可以租condo,大概1300左右一个月,一室一厅,也可以住便宜一点的apartment不过条件不是很好。有什么问题可以在论坛上交流,也可以加我的QQ 44498726点击展开...请问Condo有按月租的吗?我找了很久很久, 已经绝望了apartment, base apartment, house统统问过了....好难租房子啊
加币比美元值钱5%, 但是加国货物售价比美国贵20-30%...请问Condo有按月租的吗?我找了很久很久, 已经绝望了apartment, base apartment, house统统问过了....好难租房子啊点击展开...CONDO , APARTMANT都要签一年合约, HOUSE有按月租的, 在多伦多租房一点不难.
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