新闻:《加拿大楼市回复至正常水平 温哥华独立屋下跌8%》的相关评论加拿大楼市回复至正常水平 加拿大楼市回稳又显示多一个信号;继加拿大地产商会上周发布,9月份本国二手物业成交量较对上1个月上升3%后,大型地产代理皇家地产表示,第三季各类物业售价点击展开...读这文章感觉自己不是读中文长大的。文章想透露怎样一个信息呀。
回复: [评论]加拿大楼市回复至正常水平 温哥华独立屋下跌8%我也是读不大懂,好像是说房价已经企稳了,不会再跌了,而前3个季度是一直在向下的。唉,英文不会,中文也快不行了!杯具啊!
回复: [评论]加拿大楼市回复至正常水平 温哥华独立屋下跌8%新闻:《加拿大楼市回复至正常水平 温哥华独立屋下跌8%》的相关评论读这文章感觉自己不是读中文长大的。文章想透露怎样一个信息呀。点击展开...看看这边的孩子学中文要费多大劲就知道了。能写成这样已经不错了。
回复: [评论]加拿大楼市回复至正常水平 温哥华独立屋下跌8%此文写错啦, 不是下跌, 而是上涨8%, 请看权威报告:ZT:Royal LePage 10月19日发表的一份报告称,今年第三季度房屋均价增长年比低于5%,这是非常典型的平衡市场指数。Royal LePage行政总裁Phil Soper说,“这不是泡沫。” 今年第三季(7,8,9月)跟去年同期比: 全国:平房(Bungalow)均价较去年同期上升4.6%,至$324,531;标准两层独立屋楼价上升4.4%,至$360,329;共管柏文楼价升3.9% ,至$226,000。 大多伦多区:Bungalow平房上涨4.8%至47.38万元(去年同期为45.22万元),两层独立屋上涨4.6%至57.71万元(去年同期为55.15万元),标准柏文单位上涨5.9% 至32.91万元(去年同期为31.08万元)。 大温哥华区:Bungalow价格上涨8.8%至87.35万元,两层独立屋上涨8%至97.72万元,标准柏文单位上涨10.2% 至49.1万元。 哇, CONDO涨得最快! 怪不得大家看不懂!
一旦你拥有房产, 你就拥有了家园,土地,财富和主权.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]回复: [评论]加拿大楼市回复至正常水平 温哥华独立屋下跌8%其实我根本没读。加园网首页上有关房子的文章我从来不读,只读HORSE DRAGOON 写的或转贴的东西,嘿嘿。
赏 其实我根本没读。加园网首页上有关房子的文章我从来不读,只读HORSE DRAGOON 写的或转贴的东西,嘿嘿。点击展开... 感动! + 感谢!
一旦你拥有房产, 你就拥有了家园,土地,财富和主权.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]回复: [评论]加拿大楼市回复至正常水平 温哥华独立屋下跌8%the Real Estate Board of Greater Vancouver (REBGV)September 2010Housing market factors indicate stability in recent months September home sales in Greater Vancouver were consistent with activity experienced in the preceding two months across most categories.The Real Estate Board of Greater Vancouver (REBGV) reports that the number of residential property sales in Greater Vancouver totalled 2,220 in September 2010. This represents a 0.8 per cent increase compared to August 2010 and 37.6 per cent decline from the 3,559 sales in September 2009.In comparison, last month’s residential sales represent a 40.1 per cent increase over the 1,585 residential sales in September 2008, a 20 per cent decline compared to September 2007’s 2,776 sales, and an 11.9 per cent decline compared to September 2006’s 2,519 sales.“We’ve seen fewer properties coming on to the market over the last three months. This trend, combined with the continued attraction of low interest rates, is likely having the effect of less downward pressure on home prices,” Jake Moldowan, REBGV president said.Since spring, housing prices in the region have trended slightly downward, with a decrease of 2.7 per cent compared to the all-time high reached in April when the MLSLink® Housing Price Index (HPI) residential benchmark price was $593,419. The overall benchmark price for all residential properties in Greater Vancouver over the last 12 months has increased 5.5 per cent to $577,174 in September 2010 from $547,092 in September 2009. The current price remains consistent with last month, rising just 0.1 per cent between August and September 2010.Total active property listings posted on the Multiple Listing Service® (MLS®

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