加拿大华人论坛 加拿大房产加国房价七月份大跌,远超季节性波动,房屋泡


今年大温独立屋均价比6月,七月份猛跌9万多,跌幅超8%, 阿省跌2.4万,跌幅5%。大多的地产从业人员很多,自爆家门跌了多少吧。

回复: 加国房价七月份大跌,远超季节性波动,房屋泡沫持续破灭。。今年大温独立屋均价比6月,七月份猛跌9万多,跌幅超8%, 阿省跌2.4万,跌幅5%。大多的地产从业人员很多,自爆家门跌了多少吧。点击展开...是我自己整错了。6月,7月整糊涂了 :D下面的数据是6月份的=====独立屋没有跌这么多,区区8000多而已。http://www.yattermatters.com/2011/07/vancouver-real-estate-june-2011s-average-price/Detached Vancouver’s average detached price’s moment saw a decline in June to $1,215,265 from the previous all time high in May of $1,223,421. Attached Attached average prices in June had a small ‘oops’ moment as it dropped from May’s $555,057 to June’s $554,763 $555,057. Apartment Apartment’s average price ‘oops’ moment appears more committed as it continues to drop from April’s high of $483,424 to June’s $445,981.

回复: 加国房价七月份大跌,远超季节性波动,房屋泡沫持续破灭。。是我自己整错了。6月,7月整糊涂了 :D下面的数据是6月份的=====独立屋没有跌这么多,区区8000多而已。http://www.yattermatters.com/2011/07/vancouver-real-estate-june-2011s-average-price/Detached Vancouver’s average detached price’s moment saw a decline in June to $1,215,265 from the previous all time high in May of $1,223,421. Attached Attached average prices in June had a small ‘oops’ moment as it dropped from May’s $555,057 to June’s $554,763 $555,057.点击展开...下面是最新数据,7月份的 http://www.yattermatters.com/2011/08/vancouver-average-flip-and-bounce/温哥华独立屋6月($1,215,265)比5月($1,223,421) 跌了 $8,156温哥华独立屋7月($1,133,357)比6月($1,215,265) 跌了 $81,908温哥华独立屋7月($1,133,357)比5月历史顶点($1,223,421) 跌了 $90,064Vancouver’s average detached price landed another decline in July at $1,133,357, down from the previous all time high in May of $1,223,421.

GreaterFool 大傻的温哥华房市分析站 First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.回复: 加国房价七月份大跌,远超季节性波动,房屋泡沫持续破灭。。平均价格没有什么太大的意义。卖几个千万豪宅,平均价格一下子就上去了。比较有意义的是中数。此外,考虑到房地产的特点,一个城市的平均也好中数也好意义不是很大,一定要分区,按照地产协会的那个分区即可。也没有必要再细化了。说白了,还是数据太不透明,否则很容易进行数据分析。

回复: 加国房价七月份大跌,远超季节性波动,房屋泡沫持续破灭。。独立屋跌,连体屋和公寓涨。

回复: 加国房价七月份大跌,远超季节性波动,房屋泡沫持续破灭。。怎么今天听961新闻时说还在涨??

回复: 加国房价七月份大跌,远超季节性波动,房屋泡沫持续破灭。。昨天收到了 BOSA 的 EMAIL,他们的新 OFFER 叫做 “包出租两年”,实际上就是变相的给 REBAIT,看来他们已经嗅到什么东西了,他们的房子不早卖不行了。Dear silverkw,​ We are writing to you today in response to the many Viceroy registrants who have contacted us seeking more information on Bosa's Equity Builder Program™ - now featuring a powerful 2 Year Rental Guarantee.​ The 2 Year Rental Guarantee program will ensure you a market-leading rental rate for 24 months, handle the rental management of your suite and cover the strata fees and property taxes. Registrants like you have requested we break down the numbers for them, so we thought we would take a minute to share a few examples to show you just how powerful this program can be.​ Example OneSuite 707 - One Bedroom (600 sq ft)​ Purchase Price $275,900 Total Deposit (20% after 9 months) $55,380 Guaranteed rental income from Bosa to you $1,515/month for 24 months = $36,360 Example TwoSuite 610 - Two Bedroom (914 sq ft)​ Purchase Price $401,900 Total Deposit (20% after 9 months) $80,380 Guaranteed rental income from Bosa to you $2,191/month for 24 months = $52,584 We believe this is one of the best worry-free real estate investments in the lower mainland and if you have done your research, we are sure that you will agree. With luxurious Bosch and Samsung appliances, Kohler fixtures, premium cabinetry, legendary Bosa attention to detail and of course the Bosa Client Care Warranty, Viceroy home owners can rest assured. ​

回复: 加国房价七月份大跌,远超季节性波动,房屋泡沫持续破灭。。昨天收到了 BOSA 的 EMAIL,他们的新 OFFER 叫做 “包出租两年”,实际上就是变相的给 REBAIT,看来他们已经嗅到什么东西了,他们的房子不早卖不行了。Dear silverkw,​ We are writing to you today in response to the many Viceroy registrants who have contacted us seeking more information on Bosa's Equity Builder Program™ - now featuring a powerful 2 Year Rental Guarantee.​ The 2 Year Rental Guarantee program will ensure you a market-leading rental rate for 24 months, handle the rental management of your suite and cover the strata fees and property taxes. Registrants like you have requested we break down the numbers for them, so we thought we would take a minute to share a few examples to show you just how powerful this program can be.​ Example OneSuite 707 - One Bedroom (600 sq ft)​ Purchase Price $275,900 Total Deposit (20% after 9 months) $55,380 Guaranteed rental income from Bosa to you $1,515/month for 24 months = $36,360 Example TwoSuite 610 - Two Bedroom (914 sq ft)​ Purchase Price $401,900 Total Deposit (20% after 9 months) $80,380 Guaranteed rental income from Bosa to you $2,191/month for 24 months = $52,584 We believe this is one of the best worry-free real estate investments in the lower mainland and if you have done your research, we are sure that you will agree. With luxurious Bosch and Samsung appliances, Kohler fixtures, premium cabinetry, legendary Bosa attention to detail and of course the Bosa Client Care Warranty, Viceroy home owners can rest assured. ​点击展开...骗人的产品。价高质低的才这么做。要跌先跌这些。

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