加拿大华人论坛 加拿大房产买卖合同中的问题。
买卖合同中有关于验房的,没怎么看懂,谁能解释一下?INSPECTION: Buyer acknowledges having had the opportunity to inspect the property and understands that upon acceptance of this Offer there shall be a binding agreement of purchase and sale between Buyer and Seller. The Buyer acknowledges having the opportunity to include a requirement for a property inspection report in thisAgreement and agrees that except as may be specifically provided for in this Agreement, the Buyerwill not be obtaining a property inspection or property inspection report regarding the property.黑体字到底是说除非是特别指明,才能拒绝验房的机会,还是除非特别指明不拒绝呢?真的不太明白啊,高人指点一下。
回复: 买卖合同中的问题。看上去是,除非特别指明,买房不会验房。也就是说,要想验房或者要验房报告的话,必须要在合同里指明。 说错了的话请同学们指正!
回复: 买卖合同中的问题。探讨一下:法律术语看上去是很stupid的,它要求表述得没有漏洞,所以有些语句我们觉得很拗口。黑体想表达的意思是:买家认知在合同中有验屋要求的机会,并同意除非在合同中特别注明,卖方将不能验房或得不到验房报告。 说白了,意思就是卖方有权力在合同里要求验房,不过不写验房要求的话,也许就没机会验房了。点击展开...写错了, 是买方,不是卖方
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