加拿大华人论坛 加拿大房产路边的野花不要采,一定不要采:)


姹紫嫣红的花儿点缀着美丽的世界,你怎么能狠心摧残她呢。 让我们每天都来认识些漂亮的花儿吧。不同的花有不同的含义(皆为娱乐,不要太在意哦),让我教教你花语(汗,偶英语还没学好尼) 容我慢慢整理哦。Let's go! 五月十六日 May 16生日花:大山慈菇(Star of Bethlehem) 花语:敏锐(Shrewd)  大山慈菇是种畏光的植物,中午时经常把花瓣缩卷起来,因此有白天睡觉的贝蒂的外号。它对光的感知能力实在太敏锐了,所以它的外号就是-敏锐。受到这种花祝福而生的人的确有敏锐的感受力,在他的面前几乎无法隐瞒任何事物。但是他也具备了对伴侣的小缺失睁一只眼闭一只眼的聪慧心智哦! Star of Bethlehem and Spring Beauty are currently emerging and flowering in shaded areas. Both plants have pretty white flowers with the Star of Bethlehem having six petals while Spring Beauty has only five petals.

I never learn anything when I'm talking, I only learn things when I'm listening. ------------------------------------------------想去的地方------Tahiti给你的名字上点色儿:P一个很不错的图片工具Picasa我家宝宝的小铺,请大家捧场哦 :)赞反馈:carpenter, 种瓜沥酒, SunnySmile 和 8 其他人 2006-05-16#2 庞之白 535 $0.00 很漂亮的小花。

What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.赞反馈:go2canada 2006-05-16#3 玉簪青衣布裙 239 $0.00 漂亮~


喂,请问是中国移动吗?我是中国联通,我的小灵通坏了,你们能派中国铁通来修一下吗?赞反馈:go2canada 2006-05-16#5 真榕 2,140 $0.00 很漂亮的说,这些通常是人们忽略的啊


喂,请问是中国移动吗?我是中国联通,我的小灵通坏了,你们能派中国铁通来修一下吗?后两张是什么花?点击展开... 都是 Star of Bethlehem 啊,不同的品种而已

I never learn anything when I'm talking, I only learn things when I'm listening. ------------------------------------------------想去的地方------Tahiti给你的名字上点色儿:P一个很不错的图片工具Picasa我家宝宝的小铺,请大家捧场哦 :) 2006-05-16#8 wx77 2,054 $0.00 好花好文,超喜欢

[FONT=宋体]五月十七日 May 17生日花:角罂粟花(corn poppy)花语:自然(nature)这是一种繁殖力非常强的植物,喜欢生长在麦田里。虽然让农夫困扰不已,却受到环保人士的喜爱。因为开满角罂粟花的土地,表示未受农药的污染。因此它的花语是-自然。受到这种花祝福而生的人心灵保持纯真,不会被目前的社会风气所影响,并期望能遇到具有同样特质的终生伴侣。[/FONT][FONT=宋体][/FONT] Given the colossal waste and human suffering that mankind proffers in waging war against neighboring countries, it is not surprising that a floral emblem has emerged to represent the suffering and loss associated with war. The European field poppy has assumed this role for the wars of the 20th century.The field poppy is an annual flower widely distributed throughout Europe. It grows about 2 feet tall and has delicately textured crepe-textured flowers to 3 inches across held singly aloft on thin stems. Before opening, the olive-sized buds nod downwards as they await their day in the sun. Flower color is variable in the species with over 20 botanical varieties described, but the most common type is red. The red of blood.The poppy has been associated with war since at least the Battle of Waterloo in 1815 when Duke Wellington of England and the Prussian General Blucher decisively defeated Napoleon on this battlefield in modern day Belgium. By this time the machines of war - especially cannons and the horsepower needed to move them about - were beginning to churn the countryside when a battle took place.But it was WWI, and especially the battles of the Low Country of Flanders - a province of Belgium, that resulted in the final adoption of the field poppy as the token of war. The story goes that, after heavy fighting in the area had ended, graves were dug and soldiers interred. The following spring when the graves were visited, they were awash in a sea of red poppies - plants that had not been seen in the region for years.That the poppies appeared after the graves were dug is botanically interesting but not miraculous - at least not in the conventional way. Poppy seeds have a type of secondary dormancy called "photo-dormancy" and require light to germinate. These tiny seeds may lie dormant 25 to 50 years in the soil biding their time until sunlight appears. A pigment called phytochrome intercepts red light rays and begins a cascade of events that leads to germination.An American, Moina Michael, wrote a poem about poppies and their seemingly miraculous appearance in 1915. She began wearing an artificial poppy made by a French firm. This eventually caught on as a patriotic symbol and was adopted by the English who celebrated their first Poppy Day in 1921 to remember those lost in battle. By 1922 a factory employing disabled war veterans was established in Great Britain to make paper mache poppies. By the late 20's the poppies, sold as boutonnieres or wreaths, had made their way to the US and were sold as a fund raising activity for American war veterans.In England a company existed into the 1980s to manufacture poppies and still had about 180 employees at that time - still staffed by disabled but not necessarily disabled veterans. The practice of selling paper mache poppies for a dime was common in my grade school days. When I relate this story to college kids of today, they show no signs of recognition so the practice seems to have stopped.The field poppy has escaped cultivation in North America but does not appear to survive long term in the South. It is often used as a part of a wildflower mix that is seeded in the fall with blooms appearing in mid spring the following year. Poppies transplant poorly so it is usually best to plant the seeds where they are intended to grow.

I never learn anything when I'm talking, I only learn things when I'm listening. ------------------------------------------------想去的地方------Tahiti给你的名字上点色儿:P一个很不错的图片工具Picasa我家宝宝的小铺,请大家捧场哦 :)[FONT=宋体]五月十七日 May 17生日花:角罂粟花(corn poppy)[/FONT]...................点击展开...好漂亮呀,

[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]赞反馈:go2canada 2006-05-16#11 A
33,612 $0.00 9楼的花,在国内的商品名称是鱼美人。第二张黄色的是非洲菊也叫扶郎花。但是,一楼的花前两张跟后两张不是品种不同。从花序和叶片不同方面看,偶以为是两种植物呐。

喂,请问是中国移动吗?我是中国联通,我的小灵通坏了,你们能派中国铁通来修一下吗? 2006-05-16#12 A
33,612 $0.00 喜欢go2canada给的英文介绍。sw伺候了!

喂,请问是中国移动吗?我是中国联通,我的小灵通坏了,你们能派中国铁通来修一下吗?9楼的花,在国内的商品名称是鱼美人。第二张黄色的是非洲菊也叫扶郎花。 但是,一楼的花前两张跟后两张不是品种不同。从花序和叶片不同方面看,偶以为是两种植物呐。点击展开...呵呵,看得真仔细啊,对花很有研究嘛偶在学习中,欢迎指正 :)

I never learn anything when I'm talking, I only learn things when I'm listening. ------------------------------------------------想去的地方------Tahiti给你的名字上点色儿:P一个很不错的图片工具Picasa我家宝宝的小铺,请大家捧场哦 :)喜欢go2canada给的英文介绍。sw伺候了!点击展开...谢谢啦

I never learn anything when I'm talking, I only learn things when I'm listening. ------------------------------------------------想去的地方------Tahiti给你的名字上点色儿:P一个很不错的图片工具Picasa我家宝宝的小铺,请大家捧场哦 :) 2006-05-16#15 心仪 680 $0.00 罂粟花很美,据说有毒的东西都很美~

到底是我们梦到自己变了蝴蝶,还是我们本身是蝴蝶,正在做着变人的梦? 2006-05-16#16 go2canada 1,460 $0.00 [FONT=宋体]五月十八日 May 18生日花:山柳兰(mouse-ear hawkweed)花语:野心(ambition)这种植物的产地从地中海至北极圈,甚至整个欧亚大陆地区。分布极广,就像统一整个蒙古大陆的草原英雄-成吉思汗一样。因此这种花的花语是-野心。受到这种花祝福而生的人大多充满野心,在工作上会发挥自己所己有的才能以达到晋升的目的。这股积极向上的冲劲令人激赏,不过可别在情场上成了抢夺他人之爱的第叁者。[/FONT][FONT=宋体][/FONT] [FONT=宋体]Mouse-ear hawkweed; introduced from Europe.Flower: Solitary yellow dandelion-like flower; on leafless stalk; 2.5 cm wide; all ray flowers; bracts surrounding flower head covered with black hairs; June-September.Leaves: Basal 2.5-12.5 cm long, oblong, covered with stiff hairs.Height: 90-360 cm.Habitat: Roadsides, parking lots, railroad sides, vacant lots, old homesteads.General Interest: A plant with mouse ears? The mouse-ear Hawkweed tolerates soil that is nutrient-poor and is drought tolerant. Once established, the plant excludes other plants by forming a dense mat. Mouse-ear Hawkweed may also release a chemical that discourages other plants from growing nearby. In legend, Hawkweed plants were preserved in quills for good luck.Language of Flowers: Like the other Hawkweeds, the name "hawkweed" indicated that the plant was attributed with "quick-sighted" properties. (和中文的不一样) I don't imagine that people want these in their lawns. The small leaves grow so close to the ground and so tightly together that they choke out almost everything around them.[/FONT]

I never learn anything when I'm talking, I only learn things when I'm listening. ------------------------------------------------想去的地方------Tahiti给你的名字上点色儿:P一个很不错的图片工具Picasa我家宝宝的小铺,请大家捧场哦 :)罂粟花很美,据说有毒的东西都很美~点击展开...如果是人呢,嘿嘿

I never learn anything when I'm talking, I only learn things when I'm listening. ------------------------------------------------想去的地方------Tahiti给你的名字上点色儿:P一个很不错的图片工具Picasa我家宝宝的小铺,请大家捧场哦 :) 2006-05-16#18 重庆稻草 158 $0.00 罂粟花太美,美得妖冶,美得张扬,美得邪恶。

我达达的马蹄是美丽的错误.我不是归人,是个过客. 如果是人呢,嘿嘿 点击展开...那就是美的都有毒~~

到底是我们梦到自己变了蝴蝶,还是我们本身是蝴蝶,正在做着变人的梦? 2006-05-16#20 go2canada 1,460 $0.00 [FONT=宋体]五月十九日 May 19生日花:附子花(monkshood)花语:恶意(evil intention)这种植物的根部含有剧毒,古时候的人以它的汁液涂在箭上制成毒箭。因此这种花的花语就是-恶意。受到这种花祝福而生的人多半表里不一,宛如蛇蝎美人般,喜欢玩弄别人的感情,其实自己更容易受到伤害。所以还是早早改邪归正,好好用心地付出真感情吧![/FONT][FONT=宋体][/FONT] The monkshood is named for the protective hood-like structure at the top of the flower. It resembles the hoods worn by monks in the middle ages. It is formed by the top sepal, and covers the reproductive organs of the flower. The flower is pollinated by bumblebees, which must force their way under the hood in order to reach the nectar and pollen. Other insects do not have the size and strength to do this. The monkshood is a highly poisonous herb. The dried leaves and roots yield aconite. An extract from botanical.com:Aconitine is one of the most formidable poisons which have yet been discovered: it exists in all parts of the plant, but especially in the root. The smallest portion of either root or leaves, when first put into the mouth, occasions burning and tingling, and a sense of numbness immediately follows its continuance. One-fiftieth grain of Aconitine will kill a sparrow in a few seconds; one-tenth grain a rabbit in five minutes. It is more powerful than prussic acid and acts with tremendous rapidity. One hundredth grain will act locally, so as to produce a well-marked sensation in any part of the body for a whole day. So acrid is the poison, that the juice applied to a wounded finger affects the whole system, not only causing pains in the limbs, but a sense of suffocation and syncope.Aconite is reported to be fatal to cattle and goats when they eat it fresh, but when dried it does no harm to horses, a peculiarity in common with the buttercups, to which the Aconites are related. Field-mice are well aware of its evil nature, and in hard times, when they will attack almost any plant that offers them food, they leave this severely alone.Native Indians used it for poisoning spears, darts and arrows, and for destroying tigers.

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