加拿大华人论坛 加拿大房产Bloomberg: 多伦多公寓泡沫风险高过纽约
世界知名的金融组织 Bloomberg (彭博) 昨日发表新闻, 说多伦多公寓泡沫风险高过纽约Toronto Condo Bubble Risk Topping New YorkFeb 12, 2012 9:01 PM多伦多有比任何北美城市多的兴建中的高层公寓建筑。比纽约多近3倍。Toronto: 148New York: 59Chicago: 22Toronto has more skyscrapers and high-rises under construction than any North American city -- almost three times as many as New York -- stoking debate on whether the condominium market in Canada’s largest city is headed for a U.S.-style correction as prices rise and household borrowing hits a record. Canadian lenders including Toronto-Dominion Bank last week raised mortgage rates to cool off the housing market.财长担忧加拿大主要城市房市Finance Minister Jim Flaherty said that he’s concerned about loosening of standards by some Canadian financial institutions on those types of mortgages, and steps are being taken to “correct” the practice.银行开始缩紧房贷Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD) Chief Executive Officer Edmund Clark said in a Feb. 8 interview at Bloomberg’s New York headquarters that banks are tightening lending on loans for condominiums. Toronto-Dominion, Royal Bank of Canada and Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce scrapped their promotional 2.99 percent mortgage rates last week, less than a month after they were introduced.温哥华房市更严重Vancouver’s median home price of C$678,000 in the third quarter was 10.6 times its median pretax household income of C$63,800, making the city the least-affordable housing market after Hong Kong among large English-speaking cities, Demographia said. Toronto’s home price of C$406,400 was 5.5 times household income of C$73,600, a 40 percent deterioration in affordability since 2004.原文还包括一些由受访问的地产经纪公司提出的 "多伦多房市没泡沫"的理由原文 http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-02-13/toronto-bubble-risk-topping-new-york-in-market-for-condominiums-mortgages.html
GreaterFool 大傻的温哥华房市分析站 First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.回复: Bloomberg: 多伦多公寓泡沫风险高过纽约同大温一样,多伦多工作机会少,不少人不是脚踏实地充实自己,却幻想走捷径炒房致富,将泡沫越炒越大,债越来越多。如同这里股票市场赚钱只是极少数,但大家都心存侥幸。最终没有哪个所谓炒股专家不是伤痕累累的。加国房市泡沫越吹越大,破灭是迟早的事情,绝大多数炒房者会最终被套。
回复: Bloomberg: 多伦多公寓泡沫风险高过纽约大多的 SINGLE HOUSE 其实我觉得还有一定的空间,但是炒 CONDO 非常危险,甚至危险过大温。
回复: Bloomberg: 多伦多公寓泡沫风险高过纽约当一大群可以轻松负担首付20%以上的人都在期待着楼市下跌然后进场的时候,是没有泡沫可言的。
回复: Bloomberg: 多伦多公寓泡沫风险高过纽约当一大群可以轻松负担首付20%以上的人都在期待着楼市下跌然后进场的时候,是没有泡沫可言的。点击展开...华人区以及真正的市区真要他跌可能性还是很小的,老外的区就很难说了。
回复: Bloomberg: 多伦多公寓泡沫风险高过纽约同意楼上的,华人其实喜欢的区基本都是各个城市比较好的区域。Condo还是要看地点,央街上的地铁condo,现在以及未来都还是稀缺产品。
回复: Bloomberg: 多伦多公寓泡沫风险高过纽约现在银行贷款审批比以前严多了'
回复: Bloomberg: 多伦多公寓泡沫风险高过纽约那80%的贷款每月的利息,要比你每月付得本金要高。加息,房价下跌你那20%撬动的债务会成倍增长。当一大群可以轻松负担首付20%以上的人都在期待着楼市下跌然后进场的时候,是没有泡沫可言的。点击展开...
回复: Bloomberg: 多伦多公寓泡沫风险高过纽约见仁见智,投资更多是基于眼光
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