加拿大华人论坛 加拿大房产大温房市不振,楼花退房官司增加
08年旧戏重新上演Hotel Georgia condo buyers sue to opt out of presale contracts as Vancouver real estate market sagsOct 30, 2012Vancouver condo price drop sparks spate of lawsuits that underscore need for developers to disclose completion dates to buyersFalling Vancouver real-estate prices and widespread expectations that they'll fall further have sparked a rise in lawsuits from condo buyers who want to get out of their presale contracts.大温地区公寓价位下跌,加上现在普遍认为价位未来会继续下跌,造成楼花退房官司增加。The trend underscores the importance for developers to scrupulously follow the Real Estate Development Marketing Act (REDMA) because failure to do so can render sales contracts unenforceable and enable buyers to get their deposits back."People wouldn't be looking for the return of their deposits if the units were worth more than or as much as they purchased them for," Harper Grey LLP partner Bryan Baynham told Business in Vancouver.律师 Bryan Baynham 说,如果房市未来看好,没有一个楼花投资者会想要打官司退房。http://www.biv.com/article/20121030/BIV0111/310309943/hotel-georgia-condo-buyers-sue-to-opt-out-of-presale-contracts-as
GreaterFool 大傻的温哥华房市分析站 First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.回复: 大温房市不振,楼花退房官司增加律师当然希望退房打官司的越多越好,正如经纪雇人排队一样。
回复: 大温房市不振,楼花退房官司增加楼花该跌了,公寓的价格能持平就不错。
回复: 大温房市不振,楼花退房官司增加Richmond最近有一些正在开发中的项目(大多是TH)压沙之后就没有动静了,这两天下雨都已经成了一片沼泽,不清楚有神马内幕啊~
回复: 大温房市不振,楼花退房官司增加会冷几年。
回复: 大温房市不振,楼花退房官司增加不知道 GEORGIA HOTEL 那些百万 CONDO 最后会怎样。已经是烂尾楼了。记得当时卖价是 $1300 以上一尺。
回复: 大温房市不振,楼花退房官司增加不知道 GEORGIA HOTEL 那些百万 CONDO 最后会怎样。已经是烂尾楼了。 记得当时卖价是 $1300 以上一尺。点击展开...In Vancouver Downtown?
回复: 大温房市不振,楼花退房官司增加经纪都不看好大温楼花了,投资楼花,未来几年会死的很难看
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