加拿大华人论坛 加拿大房产2013-1月 Maclean's 封面: 加国房市今年展望
CRASH AND BURNThe housing bubble has burst, and few Canadians will emerge unscathed.It’s not just Vancouver where realtors’ BlackBerrys no longer buzz. In Toronto, the city’s once insatiable demand for living in 650 sq.-ft. glass boxes has evaporated overnight. Condo sales are down by 30 per cent, while prices have fallen by 4.5 per cent. Some proposed projects have been put on hold, while some angry investors—like those who bought luxury suites at the Trump International hotel—are desperate to get their money out, and have turned to the courts. Even the Bank of Canada, which has helped inflate the bubble by tempting Canadians with years of rock-bottom interest rates, has issued a rare warning about the risks posed to the broader housing market of too many condo developers in cities like Toronto and Vancouver chasing too few buyers.A housing correction—or, possibly, a crash—is no longer coming. It’s here. http://m.publishing.rogers.com/macleans/share/2013-01/06a_biz_housing.html
GreaterFool 大傻的温哥华房市分析站 First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.回复: 2013-1月 Maclean's 封面: 加国房市今年展望crash...
回复: 2013-1月 Maclean's 封面: 加国房市今年展望这是好消息,媒体有人唱反调证明现在还没有泡沫。真正的泡沫是所有人都唱多的时候。
回复: 2013-1月 Maclean's 封面: 加国房市今年展望Up
回复: 2013-1月 Maclean's 封面: 加国房市今年展望Crash置于吗?个人认为不会下跌20%以下
回复: 2013-1月 Maclean's 封面: 加国房市今年展望下面这个是该杂志2012年年初的封面
回复: 2013-1月 Maclean's 封面: 加国房市今年展望Back UP
回复: 2013-1月 Maclean's 封面: 加国房市今年展望不吸引眼球,怎么卖杂志呀。
回复: 2013-1月 Maclean's 封面: 加国房市今年展望哈哈!有着急的人了!!!昨天不是刚有“高人”预测看涨吗!
回复: 2013-1月 Maclean's 封面: 加国房市今年展望但每个人心里想的都是自己的房子涨,别人的房子跌。:D
回复: 2013-1月 Maclean's 封面: 加国房市今年展望文章迎合大众心理才有读者,媒体制造耸人言论才能吸引眼球。点击展开...否! Maclean's是严肃媒体,以它的江湖地位,根本没有必要“制造”、“迎合”才能吸引眼球。我订阅Maclean's已经三年了,这是我的切身感受。 杂志中的观点未必正确,但我觉得批驳它前,大家最好抽点时间仔细阅读研究一番。
回复: 2013-1月 Maclean's 封面: 加国房市今年展望CRASH AND BURNThe housing bubble has burst, and few Canadians will emerge unscathed.It’s not just Vancouver where realtors’ BlackBerrys no longer buzz. In Toronto, the city’s once insatiable demand for living in 650 sq.-ft. glass boxes has evaporated overnight. Condo sales are down by 30 per cent, while prices have fallen by 4.5 per cent. Some proposed projects have been put on hold, while some angry investors—like those who bought luxury suites at the Trump International hotel—are desperate to get their money out, and have turned to the courts. Even the Bank of Canada, which has helped inflate the bubble by tempting Canadians with years of rock-bottom interest rates, has issued a rare warning about the risks posed to the broader housing market of too many condo developers in cities like Toronto and Vancouver chasing too few buyers.A housing correction—or, possibly, a crash—is no longer coming. It’s here. http://m.publishing.rogers.com/macleans/share/2013-01/06a_biz_housing.html
GreaterFool 大傻的温哥华房市分析站 First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.桃李老师,Maclean's是严肃媒体,这个我同意。我说“制造”也许用词不准,应该用“加工”、"润色”等词汇。 但是,写文章能吸引读者是媒体的第一原则。如果不迎合读者,一个杂志如何生存? Maclean's杂志一贯看衰加拿大的经济(不但是房地产)。你订阅该杂志以来,加拿大的经济形势,有多少次符合这个杂志的预期? 吸引眼球,那是媒体的生命线,虽然有的面孔“一本正经”,有的面孔“嘻嘻哈哈”。 我以前说过,关于房市,有关的观点多少都和屁股相关,直接或间接的。经纪以及相关的行业,倾向唱旺形势;金融机构的观点保守,倾向唱衰形势;媒体则是不负责任地夸大。点击展开...同意最后一段,屁股决定脑袋。
回复: 2013-1月 Maclean's 封面: 加国房市今年展望赶紧叠
回复: 2013-1月 Maclean's 封面: 加国房市今年展望经纪以及相关的行业,倾向唱旺形势;金融机构的观点保守,倾向唱衰形势;媒体则是不负责任地夸大。点击展开...不全然有些媒体是倾向不负责任地唱旺 (尤其是当大量广告费用源自地产经纪/开发商)例: Vancouver SunVancouver real estate buyers waiting for a price collapse in 2013 could be in for a long wait Sales remains strong despite cool condo market JANUARY 4, 2013http://www.vancouversun.com/business/real-estate/Vancouver+real+estate+buyers+waiting+price+collapse/7754204/story.html10多年来第二低,比去年低31%的成交量叫做 "sales remains strong", 哈哈。"负责任" 的媒体大多为全国性的媒体,例如 Globe & Mail, Maclean's 等。
GreaterFool 大傻的温哥华房市分析站 First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.不全然有些媒体是倾向不负责任地唱旺 (尤其是当大量广告费用源自地产经纪/开发商)例: Vancouver SunVancouver real estate buyers waiting for a price collapse in 2013 could be in for a long wait Sales remains strong despite cool condo market JANUARY 4, 2013http://www.vancouversun.com/business/real-estate/Vancouver+real+estate+buyers+waiting+price+collapse/7754204/story.html10多年来第二低,比去年低31%的成交量叫做 "sales remains strong", 哈哈。"负责任" 的媒体大多为全国性的媒体,例如 Globe & Mail, Maclean's 等。点击展开...
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