加拿大华人论坛 加拿大房产在BC买房, 请有经验的人士解答:Completion date V.
我想要买房的朋友也可能会有这样的问题:实际案例:最近在BC买了间townhousecompletion date--July 29, 2014possession date--Aug 02, 2014不幸的是, Basement sewer backup--water damage--Aug 01, 2014BC法律是如何规定买卖双方承担这几天的责任? What's the difference for the following 2 conditions mentioned in the contract.CONTRACT OF PURCHASE AND SALE8. VIEWED: The Property and all included items will be in substantially the same condition at the Possession Date as when viewed by the Buyer on_________________________________________________ yr. __________________16. RISK: All buildings on the Property and all other items included in the purchase and sale will be, and remain, at the risk of the Seller until 12:01 am on the Completion Date. After that time, the Property and all included items will be at the risk of the Buyer.多谢!
Hi Byu,您运气真不好 !RISK 责任 在买卖合约 第 16条 已清楚写明 Completion Date 那天 零时 1 分起是买方负责 "at the risk of the Seller until 12:01 am on the Completion Date."Completion Date 就是产权正式移转给买方的起始日.您的买房经纪应该要告知您要在 Completion Date 前两周就办好您的房屋保险( 要确认包含sewer backup--water damage ) 且启效日就是 12:01 am on the Completion Date. 如您有房屋保险那就尽早向房屋保险公司提claim 吧 !所以买房offer accepted 后, 就要办好房屋保险, 时间很重要.
*免费卖房市价鉴定,买房定价,房屋出租 顾问*大温名校 学区看房考察-带看高贵林/西温/北温 /枫树岭/兰里[email protected] 大量房源&照片 赏 反馈:Roseline Lu 和 Davidsy 2014-09-05#3 天 286 $0.00 楼上正解,第8条不包括意外,意外漏水发生在Completion Date以后,所以是买家的责任。Completion Date那天,律师在省府田土厅将房子的屋主改为买家,从法律上来讲房子已经属于买家了,所以意外由买家承担。
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