马来西亚的YAD YAD Business Management SDN BHD
在加拿大 保鲜蔬菜行业的有了解马来西亚YAD YAD Business Management SDN BHD的吗?这是一家骗子公司。 现在又改名了,应该是Opera Universal sdn bhd。大家一定要注意,收不到全款,坚决不能放货! [ 本帖最...华人论坛
在加拿大 保鲜蔬菜行业的有了解马来西亚YAD YAD Business Management SDN BHD的吗?这是一家骗子公司。 现在又改名了,应该是Opera Universal sdn bhd。大家一定要注意,收不到全款,坚决不能放货! [ 本帖最...华人论坛
在加拿大 CLEAN BUSINESS 真的很难,要挑刺儿很容易 评论 客户接受FAIL的结果出货 那就没有问题 评论 现在一般都不会。 评论 不是硬性规定的,都容易处理. 评论 首先要确定人家验货出来的问题是你...华人论坛
在加拿大 Business registration number是韩国的税号吗 评论 这只能说是商业登记注册号码吧 评论 企业的注册号吧。 税号应该是Tax Number 评论 是企业代码类型吧?韩国可以提供CORPORATE REGISTERED NUMBER,也...华人论坛
在加拿大 请教求助: 我们是做实验室仪器/配件产品的,客户原来在国内工作的时候买过我们的产品,然后客户调到新加坡的大学去工作了,去年年底找我们购买了几个产品,一月初 客户那边就...华人论坛
在加拿大 实在不好意思开口,做出口10年了,但是还是第一次碰到客户通过WU Business Solutions汇款,希望福友们多多指教,谢谢! 现有一个英国客户,柜子已经到港了,客户也告知11月30日已安排货...华人论坛
在加拿大 求大神解释一下Revenue CDA Business Number和UPS Brokerage Account number分别是干嘛用的,谢谢! 评论 帮顶,有知道的福友可以帮忙回复解答一下 评论 顶一下。。。。 评论 CDA和UPS是国外付款方式...华人论坛
在加拿大 客户给我发来下面的电话会议邀请,请问怎样加入会议,求指点,谢谢! Teilnehmen Join Skype Meeting If you have difficulty participating, please try Skype Web App Participate by phone +49 (89) 382-44000 (Germany (D...华人论坛
在加拿大 客户需要我们提供 business continuity plan 商业计划书,工厂性质的,但是从没接触,小弟实在不知道怎么写了,有哪位大神知道吗?谢谢啦。 评论 正常情况一个人很难完成这种计划书的,都...华人论坛
在加拿大 老外3个多礼拜前通过WU Business Solutions给我们公司汇了一笔款项,有大侠知道怎么取出来吗? 如果很麻烦,怎么让这个款项退回去呢?多谢!! 评论 : 评论 这个不麻烦的,我一新加坡客...华人论坛
在加拿大 我現在賣巧克力沒有寫英文電郵很久有點懷念了。這次我寫一下英文。一個真正的五百強英文案例。沒錯,內容都是我瞎掰的。 背景是一家五百強接到了零售客戶(如Target, Walmart那些)...华人论坛
在加拿大 请问大家: Business liability insurance. 这个是指哪种保险?是责任险的一种吗?谢谢! 评论 是不是指产品责任险呢 评论 不是产品责任险, 这个是谁跟你说的?如果是客人收的,问下客人...华人论坛
在加拿大 我司是做纸品印刷包装的,14年11月在阿里巴巴上面收到此客户的询盘(一下简称F),说与宁波工厂合作不愉快,想找广州的工厂,而且发了几款袋子来报价,给F报价后,F觉得价格还可以...华人论坛
在加拿大 各位大侠,如图,2nd business day of the month after netting 90 days ? 这是什么付款方式? 放账90天后的第二个营业日付款么? 坐等高手 评论 自己先顶一个 评论 坐等高手出现 评论 木有高手出...华人论坛
在加拿大 首先要感谢凤凰老师推荐的这本书SPANISH BUSINESS SITUATION,真是受益匪浅,这种英西对照的形式学起来效率很高。 其中有这样一段对话: A--Sí sacó seguro de viaje, le devolverán el dinero si su mé...华人论坛
在加拿大 Establishing Business Relations 建立业务关系 建立业务关系,实际上就是确定贸易对象。贸易对象选择得合适与否,决定着贸易的成败。在一般情况下,双方通过各自的介绍或第三者的介绍,...华人论坛
在加拿大 Business scope: Currently I have 4 branches of my company and we cover all part of Nigeria. My company capital base is 1,000,000USD 2. Certification: My company is certified under Nigeria Cooperate Affairs Commission. 3. Political background...华人论坛
在加拿大 Hi guys, hope you all going well! Recently I feel terrible because I am really confused that where should I go? I have been in foreign trade business for 8 years but now I am still working on a private trading company. As one of the sales p...华人论坛
在加拿大 Subject:Establish Business Relations DearSir or Madam: Weare a manufacturer and exporter of industrial chemical raw materials fromGuangzhou. We want to introduce our company to you. If you are interestedplease visit us on the website: http:/...华人论坛
在加拿大 Business organizations Les modèles de sociétés General Background Généralité Business le monde des affaires the public sector le secteur public state control la Régie d'Etat nationalization étatilisation naionalized/state run/govemen...华人论坛
在加拿大 and our business facility here is up to the mark with warehouse, man power and several other facilities. 评论 并且我们的业务设施取决于仓库标志、人员力量以及其他若干设施 评论 赞一个 评论 .......... [ 本帖...华人论坛
在加拿大 索赔 Claims and Complaints I ◆ A clerk discusses an insurance claim with his boss. ◆ Boss : What's your hurry? ◆ Clerk : Bad news! That shipment of parts from Japan has been partially lost and damaged at sea. What should we do when l...华人论坛
在加拿大 Discount A: We can offer you a 5% discount. B: You price is rather out of line,much higher than we expected. We can't buy with your offer. A: Well.what do you suggest then?How about 8% ? B: When we say your prices are much too high.we...华人论坛
在加拿大 Discount A: We can offer you a 5% discount. B: You price is rather out of line,much higher than we expected. We can't buy with your offer. A: Well.what do you suggest then?How about 8% ? B: When we say your prices are much too high.we...华人论坛
在加拿大 A: Welcome to our factory. B: I've been looking forward to visiting your factory. A: Actually, you'll know our products better after the visit. I'll show you around and explain the operations as we go along. B: That'll be most helpful. A: Ma...华人论坛
在加拿大 I am a freshman of foreign trade , and now i anm in a foreign trade company, but what i do every day have no relation with my major. what should i do now. 评论 continue to work hard 评论 try your best to make some relations with your ma...华人论坛
在加拿大 敢问各位business is business怎么解?是什么意思? [ 本帖最后由 patty-chu 于 2012-7-24 21:11 编辑 ] 评论 生意就是生意 评论 问Google吧,它懂得多 评论 字面理解生意就是生意,就是在商言商,不...华人论坛
在加拿大 什么是 Unified Business No. 举个例子 谢谢 [ 本帖最后由 Frank.Brown 于 2010-4-19 14:09 编辑 ] 评论 这个还真的不懂, 国内公司的编号 是什么东西 莫非是要查看公司是否合法啊 评论 楼主人不在了...华人论坛
在加拿大 客户在公司简介里面第一句话: Our company also deal in imports and indenting of all sorts of paper/Board and pulp for the last 30 years indenting business是什么意思? [ 本帖最后由 patty-chu 于 2013-1-30 12:25 编辑...华人论坛
在加拿大 Do you want to do business in China? Do you want to leave a nice memory here in China for a wonderful tour? Are you looking for a reliable all-in-one assistant(interpreter+assistant+local guide) in China? Do you need one could arrange everyt...华人论坛
在加拿大 以下求翻译。 Thank you Tina, My apologies but I have had to be away on different business trip very suddenly. You sent me example of one change? What about all the other changes? Or am I not understanding well? 不解的地方是: on...华人论坛
在加拿大 Business is closed at this price. 交易就按此价敲定。 Your price inacceptable (unacceptable). 你方价格可以(不可以)接受。 Your price is feasible (infeasible). 你方价格是可行(不可行)的。 Your price is wo...华人论坛
在加拿大 Hi guys,this is Jimmy.These days i have been focusing on business English but finding that it's really difficult to improve especially for the oral English in related to the business communication.Yes,I am quite good at daily English that in...华人论坛
在加拿大 Business Cards – No Masters 16 pt. C2S Tango Cover Stock – White (the paper can be any brand…does not have to be Tango, just as long as it is 16 pt, and coated on both sides) Prints Black, PMS 186 Red, Cool Gray 9 + Spot UV and Overall...华人论坛
在加拿大 从字面上理解是销售部吗? 有比较专业的解答吗? [ 本帖最后由 patty-chu 于 2013-6-24 17:19 编辑 ] 评论 商务拓展经理 评论 你到论坛的招聘板块,找几个招“商务拓展经理”的公司,看看招...华人论坛
在加拿大 Well we feel that business never truly stops and that there are times when one needs to work even after hours to be sure all goes as smoothly as possible. 请高手 [ 本帖最后由 patty-chu 于 2013-7-16 11:11 编辑 ] 评论 Well we feel...华人论坛
在加拿大 As a freshman ,I have many problem to solve ,to face...I wont give up..its my choose..its my life! 评论 it's my choose是错的。查查字典。 评论 LZ是外贸新手,还是大一学生呀 ? 评论 It is our choice 评论 赞同楼上...华人论坛
在加拿大 Unit one Job requirements and the forms of business letters When you work for an import-export corporation,you are always required to do a lot of things such as understanding the exact meaning of the incoming letters,translating Chinese vers...华人论坛
在加拿大 business association agreement 怎么翻译比较好点 有没有那位大侠有协议书范本的翻译 比较正规点的 [ 本帖最后由 Namiko-zs 于 2011-9-21 08:31 编辑 ] 评论 木有哦 帮你顶一下 呵呵 评论 我也自己顶...华人论坛
在加拿大 I’d like to invite you for a meeting with ①(我公司会面人职务和姓名) if you feel convenient. As ②(会议名称) will be held in ③(会议地点) from ④(会议起始日) to ⑤(会议结束日), we think you ⑥(对方可能...华人论坛
在加拿大 今天收到客户的邮件中有这么一句Also please inform us if you are able to do brand business.求高手指点,这个 do brand business是指什么?谢谢, 最后大家感恩节快乐,祝大家有快快发财 [ 本帖最后由...华人论坛
在加拿大 Asking to Establish Business Relations Dears Sirs, Through the courtesy of the Commercial Counselor’s office of your embassy in Beijing, we have known that you are importers of Cotton Piece Goods and interested in doing business with us....华人论坛
在加拿大 Remember, this business is through GRUPO INIDOM. 一位阿根廷的客人邮件中包含这句。什么意思。 评论 INIDOM是公司的话,那么一切就应该好解释了。 评论 INIDOM 阿根廷的公司,做的产品:Diapers fo...华人论坛
在加拿大 我跟客户说 Looking forward to your quick payment. 他回复说 We are looking forward to ontime shipments, conducting business is a two way street. I hope you understand 我知道大致意思,但确切意思怎么说呢? [ 本帖最后...华人论坛
在加拿大 We also need three business references preferably in the USA. 这句话是什么意思啊,求助! 评论 客人的意思是让你提供你们先前做的其他美国客人的资料,以便客人去了解你们的产品和服务。BUSINE...华人论坛
在加拿大 Every new day gives you a chance to move forward from your present situation. You can improve your business on a number of fronts: by increasing profits, reducing losses, getting more customers, expanding the markets, becoming more visible i...华人论坛
在加拿大 Just as a factory requires a complete set of machinery to proceed with production, so does a foreign-trade firm need extensive business connections to maintain or expand its business activities. Therefore, the establishment of business relat...华人论坛
在加拿大 letter--01 Telegram Address: CNIEC Telephone No: ******* ******* Your ref: JM/MD Messrs Ribera Y Cia ****** ****** Dear Sirs With reference to your letter of December 2, 2010 we are glad to learn that you wish to enter into trade relations w...华人论坛
在加拿大 Vocabulary 01. enter into: 开始 02. in compliance with: 与某物相一致 03. catalogue: 目录 04. pamphlet: 小册子 05. prior to: 在某物之前 06. specialize: 专门从事 07. pharmaceutical: 药物的 08. leaflet: 散页印刷品...华人论坛
在加拿大 Business English of financial expressions that you have to know shipping service company船务公司 generic products非商标(非专利)产品 prudent monetary policy稳健的货币政策 deficit spending超前消费 run on banks(到银行...华人论坛
在加拿大 一、建立业务联系 (一)、主动跟新买家建立联系 Dear Mr. Jones: We understand from your information posted on Alibaba.com that you are in the market for textiles. We would like to take this opportunity to introduce our co...华人论坛