加拿大进出口外贸business english oral claims and complaints



Claims and Complaints I
◆ A clerk discusses an insurance claim with his boss.
◆ Boss : What's your hurry?
◆ Clerk : Bad news! That shipment of parts from Japan has been partially lost and damaged at sea. What should we do when loss or damage occurs?
◆ Boss : We must prepare our claim and send it to the underwriter to secure payment.
◆ Clerk : Won't our broker take care of that?
◆ Boss : Yes, that's part of the service on the broker's side.
◆ Clerk : So the first step would be to contact our broker?
◆ Boss : Yes, and we'll need to submit some documents to him.
◆ Clerk : Is it enough that we have an on-board bill of lading to claim settlement?
◆ Boss : I'm sorry to say it isn't. We'll need a statement from the shipping agents stating that the goods were actually loaded and noting when the vessel sailed.We'll also need to present proof of ownership.
◆ Clerk : How do we do that?
◆ Boss : We'll have to file a full original set of ocean bills of lading, the insurance certificate, and the original commercial invoice.
◆ Clerk : No problem. I have them on file.
◆ Boss : We may also need a statement of protest.
◆ Clerk : What's that?
◆ Boss : It's usually an extract from the ship's log which describes how the goods were lost or damaged. It's prepared by the master of the vessel. Sometimes that documentation is also required.
◆ Clerk : Well, that covers all the things I want to know. I guess I'll call our broker.
◆ Boss : Yes, let's get started right away.

Claims and Complaints II
◆ A customer discusses an error in his order with the manufacturer.
◆ Buyer : We have a problem, sir.
◆ Seller : What on earth has happened?
◆ Buyer : You remember that we ordered 50 of your BD 205 laser jet printers?
◆ Seller : of course. We shipped them two weeks ago. Haven't they arrived?
◆ Buyer : That's the problem. They've arrived, and they're the wrong model. You sent the QR 224 model. That model is incompatiblewith our computer system.
◆ Seller : I'm sorry to hear that. I'll look into it and try to get it corrected for you as quickly as possible. Do you have the invoice number?
◆ Buyer: I have a fax of the invoice right here.
◆ Seller : Yes, there certainly seems to be a mistake. For some reason we shipped the wrong model. Would you mind waiting a few minutes while I check with our shipping department?
◆ Buyer : Not at all. I'm anxious to get this straightened out.
◆ Later...
◆ Seller: Well, I've discovered the source of the error. It seems your customer account number was incorrectly entered into our computer at the warehouse. This resulted in the wrong shipment.
◆ Buyer: That's an understandable, but regrettable mistake.
◆ Seller : We'll airfreight the correct printers immediately.
And since it's our error, we'll pay the freight charges.
◆ Buyer : That's good of you. My home office will be glad to hear it.
◆ Seller : I'm very pleased we were able to get to the bottom of this so quickly. Just return the wrong printers sea-freight, and our company will pick up those charges too.
◆ Buyer : Thank you so much.
◆ Seller : That's all right. We hope to provide you with good service for many years to come.



加拿大电商刚从事这行半年,对电子行业不了解,自己整理了些,算是学习,供大家分享,也请大家补充。我毕竟是个文科生,对这方面知识严重欠缺。 DVD:英文全名是Digital Video Disk, 即数字视频光 加拿大电商昨天我把提单复件发给了客户,今天收到了他回信,如下: Dear Nicholas, please send all shipping documents. We will check B/L copy and we will reply ASAP. Thank you Best Regards .........................................
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