新闻:《这套豪宅卖了8年也未卖出 降价$250万也不中》的相关评论首先声明,这套卖了8年也未卖出的豪宅既不在多伦多,也不在温哥华,而是在斯省(Nova Scotia)东部海岸一个美丽如画海湾(Mahone Bay)的小岛( Kaulbach Island)上。这个小岛连同这套豪宅于2010首次挂牌上市,当时叫价$950万,去年秋天降了$250万至$700万,但至今仍然没有售出。

blabla 说:新闻:《这套豪宅卖了8年也未卖出 降价$250万也不中》的相关评论在这样地方的不动产,让银行来评估,来作为市值价值抵押估价,那才叫真刀真枪。。。不上负资产榜就交大运了(很可能低于买入价售出),最多也就是一般资产。换个地儿,在大多,大温,试试。置业的第一考虑要素:地点,地点,还是地点。点击展开...你觉得公道的成交价在多少合适?
让子弹再飞一会儿 赏
乱弹农夫 说:Laox888厉害。佩服!居然通过几张照片分析出这么多信息。点击展开...我是两句成语:班门弄斧抛砖引玉
laox888 说:我是两句成语:班门弄斧抛砖引玉点击展开...关键是,砖跟玉都在你那里。
Success is getting what you want; Happiness is wanting what you get. 赏

Life is simple, but not easy.Public Mobile DealPublic Mobile 激活 赏

29,218 $0.00 买得起的人选择多评论
感谢生命中的一切人和事,无论好与坏,无论对与错,无论爱与恨,施予的都是收获 真正买的起这个小岛包括物业的富豪(不是土豪),讲究的是享受,而不是金钱上的得失。点击展开...为啥要卖呢,还卖了8年,直接捐给红十字,得了。既省心,还惠及社会,回报社会。
北美大款 说:你觉得公道的成交价在多少合适?点击展开...有人接盘的价就是公道价。无人接盘的商品除了自用就是垃圾。对我,就是包袱。
An American family's striking 57-acre private Nova Scotia island remains unsold, eight years after it went on the market and despite a $2.5-million price drop.Now, realtor Mariana Cowan is suggesting alternate uses for Kaulbach Island, which boasts an 11,000-square-foot main house and encircling sandy beaches that overlook the province's picturesque Mahone Bay."This place is really quite remarkable," said Cowan. "It would make a great resort, a corporate retreat base or a lovely secondary home."The main house — built by the current owners roughly 12 years ago and dubbed the "Osprey Nest" — features 11 bedrooms, nine bathrooms and 10 fireplaces, and is a short five-minute boat ride from the mainland."When you arrive you come up this winding driveway and you're greeted by this magnificent house. It's hard to believe this home is in the South Shore," said Cowan.The imposing two-storey structure with grey wood siding and white trim stands in stark contrast to the groomed lawns, lush trees and ponds that comprise the property — navigable by golf carts.Inside, the 12-year-old house evokes a traditional and elegant style. The master bedroom and living room are clad in knotty pine wood panelling. The library features oak walls and oriental rugs, and an adjacent "telephone room" allows guests to make private phone calls."The whole design was meant to make it feel like an older home, to give it that historic feel. The woodworking, the moulding — everything is made to look like it's 100 years old," said Cowan.The seasonal house is equipped with environmentally friendly features, including aquathermal heat.Young, Bella, and the several other islands in the bay can be spotted from the house's sun room, furnished with french doors, massive windows, slate floors, and a floor-to-ceiling stone fireplace.The property includes staff living quarters above a double-car garage, a nearby two-level farm house, and a seaside beach house that was built in 2002 — all minutes away from a golf course and sailing club.Cowan listed the property last fall for $7 million, down from $9.5 million when it was first listed in 2010. It has been on and off the market since then.But Kaulbach Island wasn't always a luxurious destination.The aunt and uncle of the island's current caretaker owned the property more than 75 years ago and lived off the land, enduring harsh coastal winters that would sometimes trap Ruby and Florence Heisler there for months at a time."They had no children. It was just the two of them. They had a couple of cows, oxen, pigs and chicken and the land was used for hay," said Cowan. "There was no power in those days. They used kerosene and the two lighthouses on the island were also run by kerosene."Caretaker Raymond Hilt believes the island was in his family even before his aunt and uncle took ownership. The Heislers sold it for $11,000 in the early 1970s and moved to the mainland.Since then, Kaulbach Island has changed hands several times, including to two other Americans.Cowan said she's been looking south of the border and to Europe for the island's next owners."The buyer for this property will likely be someone who likes privacy and who appreciates quality," said Cowan.She said her company is currently speaking with two parties interested in buying the property.http://thechronicleherald.ca/business/1534520-private-island-unsold-after-eight-years-despite-2.5-million-price-drop
Life is simple, but not easy.Public Mobile DealPublic Mobile 激活关键是,砖跟玉都在你那里。点击展开...不敢当,家园搞建筑的很多,卧虎藏龙。外墙如果是石材就很贵,包工包料的话人造石二三十一平方尺,天然石三四十一平方尺,请工人去岛上应该更贵。那几个壁炉烟囱也挺贵的。打井,建污水处理系统,发电系统等额外。污水处理系统按今天标准大概每平方尺使用面积10刀,也就是说1万多平方尺要十几万。
blabla 说:新闻:《这套豪宅卖了8年也未卖出 降价$250万也不中》的相关评论在这样地方的不动产,让银行来评估,来作为市值价值抵押估价,那才叫真刀真枪。。。不上负资产榜就交大运了(很可能低于买入价售出),最多也就是一般资产。换个地儿,在大多,大温,试试。置业的第一考虑要素:地点,地点,还是地点。点击展开...蒙城真地是25万的房子地价只占5万吗?好奇其它城市的地价在整个房产评估值上的比例是多少
laox888 说:其实对在这种地方买这么大房子的人来说,多或少两三百万都不是一件事儿,关键还是这地方值不值得一家人常住或经常来度假。这房子建造成本不会便宜,所有建材都必须从大陆上用船运过去,而且还需要有起重机那种船,工人要么每天来回坐摆渡要么岛上解决吃住问题,屋顶看似cedar shingle,比较贵。书房木板墙也不便宜。在这种偏远地区找高档次的工人不容易,即使在多伦多北部白求恩家乡一带,很多技术工人都是从多伦多搬运过去的,要帮他们解决吃住问题。岛上岩石多,挖掘时可能要用炸药。其他的看不到,但从屋顶和书房选材来看其他地方也不会太便宜,估计今天建筑成本在500万 - 600万。点击展开...没想到你还有这些才能,佩服
yyddss 说:蒙城真地是25万的房子地价只占5万吗?好奇其它城市的地价在整个房产评估值上的比例是多少点击展开...卡城,今年一月份46万成交的1975年的房,保险公司给房屋结构的估价是31万
山中幸盛 说:卡城,今年一月份46万成交的1975年的房,保险公司给房屋结构的估价是31万点击展开...估价里,分地价和房子建筑的估价了吗?各占多少?还是其它城市根本没有土地的估价?
yyddss 说:估价里,分地价和房子建筑的估价了吗?各占多少?还是其它城市根本没有土地的估价?点击展开...保险公司估价只是房子,土地烧不烂的。地价比例差别很大,从20%到75%都有,越往市中心地价比例越高,反之越是郊区偏远地方地价比例越低,大部分房地产地价比例在25%-35%左右,我说的是实际比例与政府估价无关。
laox888 说:保险公司估价只是房子,土地烧不烂的。低价比例差别很大,从20%到75%都有,越往市中心低价比例越高,反之越是郊区偏远地方低价比例越低,大部分房地产低价比例在25%-35%左右,我说的是实际比例与政府估价无关。点击展开...政府估价没有划分对吧?
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