#1 疫情爆发,很多人以为房价下滑,更多人关注,反而提高交易量 #2 疫情持续,捡漏的人基本都买完了,房价开始下滑 #3 疫情结束,大家以为春天来了,但是有钱的早就买完了,短暂反弹后继续下行 #4 后疫情时代,wfh成为主流,房地产完灭。 2年后大家要考虑的是,住哪里最舒服,生活成本低, 举个例子,菲律宾,可以有夏威夷的海滩,超低的生活成本。
可能也有人说,学区房还是会贵,短时间内可能, 但是如果wfh都成流行模式了,其他行业跟进也是早晚的事情, 到时候,什么是学区房?? 而且在线教育这种模式可以把最好的资源分享给更多的人。 所以我感觉5年后,房市应该是完犊子
在家办公好多老板不放心啊 估计大部分还是要在老板眼皮子底下上班吧 我们已经说了 7月都给我乖乖回去😄
所以 wfh的影响大小现在还真不好说😄
希望疫情後,房价会大幅下滑 虽然有点痴人说梦
在家办公好多老板不放心啊 估计大部分还是要在老板眼皮子底下上班吧 我们已经说了 7月都给我乖乖回去😄 Permanently Remote
- AWeber
- "AWeber’s future starts today, as a remote first company in what is our biggest organizational change in 21 years." 100+ team taken remote.
- Coinbase
- "Employees will still be able to work in an office, but they will now have the option to work remotely, or split their time between time working in and out of the office."
- Facebook
- "Facebook said today that it would begin allowing most of its employees to request a permanent change in their jobs to let them work remotely. The company will begin today by making most of its US job openings eligible for remote hires and begin taking applications for permanent remote work among its workforce later this year."
- Lambda School
- "Today Lambda School rolled out a permanent “work from anywhere” policy. Employees are free to work from home, from an office, or from anywhere within the United States. Offices will remain closed through the end of August at a minimum."
- Otis
- "This week, we rolled out Work from Anywhere. Will keep our NYC office as HQ (these are desks at a co-working space). Anyone can work from anywhere in the U.S."
- Shopify
- "As of today, Shopify is a digital by default company. We will keep our offices closed until 2021 so that we can rework them for this new reality. And after that, most will permanently work remotely. Office centricity is over."
- Square
- “Moving forward, Squares will be able to work from home permanently, even once offices begin to reopen."
- Twitter
- "Employees will be able to continue working from home as long as they see fit."
- Upwork
- " knows firsthand the incredible outcomes that distributed teams can deliver. Building on our 20 years of experience as a remote work company, we are now permanently embracing a "remote-first" model."
- Amazon -- October 2020
- Box -- February 2021
- Google -- January 2021
- PayPal (informed by employee rather than press release) -- October 2020
- Salesforce -- January 2021
- Zillow -- January 2021
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