加拿大华人论坛 加拿大房产Among the most significant data and trends in the Toronto Condo market in Q1/08


Among the most significant data and trends in the Toronto market in Q1/08:New condominium sales in Q1/08 numbered 3,433; only 8 units fewer than Q1/07.277 new condominium projects were tracked in Q1/08; 56 more than in Q1/07. This means that the 3,433 Q1/08 sales were spread over 25 per cent more buildings than Q1/07. Aura at College Park represented 21 per cent of Q1/08's new sales.Resales of condominiums in Toronto were down slightly in Q1/08 compared to Q1/07 by 187 units, or 6 per cent.The average new condominium index price for the Toronto CMA in Q1/08, as defined by price per square foot (psf), enjoyed its 13th consecutive quarterly increase, up 11.4 per cent in Q1/08 from Q1/07, ($388 psf vs. $348 psf). Resale unit pricing was up 8.3 per cent from Q1/07.An expected rise in unit completions should enable an increase in new unit construction starts in 2008. An indication of this is that construction began on 4,546 new condo units in the Toronto CMA in Q1/08, setting the second highest level of new starts for the First Quarter since Q1/89, and 233 per cent higher than Q1/07's new start total.The hottest area for new condominium construction and sales continues to be the former City of Toronto, representing 50% of the CMA's condominium development activity.

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